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Dayum. They really did fell in love. Poor MC.

XxMieczyslawxX followed a list

warning !!


- rape / non-con / dub-con
- emotional manipulation
- other tag warnings unlisted

i will mostly only includes R18 stuffs and good art since i am easily turned off with the art i dislike.


edit: links will be directed to batoto or hentai sites

31 12,2022
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18 11,2022
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Good plot or amazing main characters or both <3 
Note:  This is not in order. 

I also delete mangas in this list if the story went downhill or if i do not think it as one of the best after rereading.

Here's link to Part Two:

24 02,2022
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19 01,2022
XxMieczyslawxX created a topic of Black Mirror

I mean murder is bad and all I'm aware. After all this would be horrifying in real life. But this manga is fascinating in a morbid way. And really it was the two main leads that made it worth reading this. They are f*cked up in their own way and yet at the end I still could not help but think "Good for them. They are finally together."

P.S. I absolutely adore Tae Joon. Manly ukes are best. Plus I liked how my impression of him gradually changed as the story continued to unravel. I digged it a lot. From goody two shoes honor student to a man whose finally freed from his inhibitions.

Please give Kikuchi another seme. Please give Kikuchi a better seme. Please give Kikuchi the best seme and not the piece of SHITani.
Or ar least even if he ends up single by the end of all this, let him be the HAPPIEST out of the three main characters and somewhere FAR away from their toxicity.

It really broke my heart when Kikuchi was crying and breaking apart while SHITani and the b*tch Sudou was frolicking around and f*cking.
Kikuchi deserves better and god I hope the next volume will have him actually move on from SHITani and not cling to that piece of shit.
Please I am only invested in this becaue of Kikuchi and to see him miserable is hurting my heart.

And no amount of tragic background that the little b*tch Sudou may have that will excuse his terrible actions. It may have shaped his current personality and character BUT IT WILL NEVER ERASE HIS CRIMES and how he purposefully brought misery to the lives of others.

So yeah I am frigging bitter when b*tch Sudou confessed and SHITani looked moved like the indecisive bastard that he is.

I want JUSTICE FOR KIKUCHI. A HAPPY ENDING FOR KIKUCHI... And not for SHITani and b*tch Sudou.

[Sorry for those who actually liked those two. I am not picking a fight. Just expressing my thoughts and feelings cause this manga had me too invested. And I am way in too deep to just drop this drama.]

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23 04,2021

I FRIGGING LOVE THE FIRST COUPLE. Gawd! The slowburn of their romance was just perfect. No needless drama as it focused more on the two learning more about each other and falling deeper in love and eventually them gradually accepting their feelings. The pace of their relationship was just right because while Zichen wanted a label for their relationship, he never forced Sitong out of his comfort zone. He patiently waited for Sitong to be ready. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE SITONG so much. He was such a refreshing and interesting character to follow. And even though he is rarely vocal of his affections for Zichen (even though he loved him longer), his way of expressing his love was just adorable and wholesome.

Totally recommended! Such a satisfying story!

Can't wait for more chapters of the second season to release so that we can see more of the two sweethearts now that they are official~
Also very interested on how the plot for the second couple will play out!

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20 04,2021
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