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[email protected]'s experience ( All 0 )

[email protected]'s question ( All 2 )

Ok so I have a question.. I know that Asian fishing has been becoming extremely popular nowadays and that it's bad. I understand all of that. But I wanted to ask if it's okay for me (I'm withe) to put withe kayal ok my lower lash line. I do that bc it makes my eyes look bigger and idk overall just ads more life. Can I do that? Is it wrong? I I genuinely want to know before I do sth stupid. To clarify I am not doing this to look Asian I just like the way it looks on me. I have naturally more slanted (almond shape) eyes. Sry if I Meade you read all this.. (⊙…⊙ )
13 02,2021
Ok so I have a question.. I know that Asian fishing has been becoming extremely popular nowadays and that it's bad. I understand all of that. But I wanted to ask if it's okay for me (I'm withe) to put withe kayal ok my lower lash line. I do that bc it makes my eyes look bigger and idk overall just ads more life. Can I do that? Is it wrong? I I genuinely want to know before I do sth stupid. To clarify I am not doing this to look Asian I just like the way it looks on me. I have naturally more slanted (almond shape) eyes. Sry if I Meade you read all this.. (⊙…⊙ )
13 02,2021

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