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_peachy_idiot created a topic of See You Again

Shiwoo and yujin is both dumb ass , once shiwoo sees his ex he immediately goes back to him and ignored his feelings about yujin, and didn’t even stop and think “how would yujin feel about what I’m doing with my ex while knowing he likes me” like tf , and yujin YOU SEE THAT HE DOESN’T LIKE HIM AND YOU STILL LET HIM GO BACK TO THAT FUCKER LIKE BRO STOP HIMMMMM , and why tf you did a 3 some, BRO YOU ARE SO OBLIVIOUS, but then you had every right to be mad at him cause shiwoo got you fucked up

“How dare dare you play catch me if you can in front of me” I WAS LAUGHING AT THAT FOR 30 MINUTES STRAIGHT CAUSE WHY HE SAID IT LIKE THAT