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Moonbeam created a topic of For Your Love

Yohan has the BEST expressions, his face just tells the whole damned story. He's got a unique stink-eye for every possible situation, my mans shows up PREPARED

Moonbeam answered question about have an unpopular opinion
How to end up in horny jail: a diagram for success
Moonbeam created a topic of Fate Makes No Mistakes

... Yama rolling up like, "'SUP GUYS, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY HELL HOODIE? PRETTY GNARLY HUH" has to be one of my all time fave moments of this series.
the looks on their faces omg

President: What happened to you? Where were you?
Iro: I wound up at the lady bar, where were YOU
President: I was at the gay bar. Wait, so all this time, you were...
Iro: Yeah, I got lost
President: ... a lesbian?

President is confused! Choi cackles wildly in the distance. Work hard, fellows!

"Just thinking about it is making me HUHUHUHUHU"
Congrats most relatable heroine 2021! Abigail is a hoot and a half.
And for once in a great while, a transmigration story in which the MC's real Past Earth Life and her skills will actually feature and probably be important throughout rather than being totally forgotten after the first three chapters. Nifty!

This art style is darling, it's kinda got that "90's vision of 60's retro" feeling going on and I am really enjoying it! It's simple and clean but the characters' facial expressions are on point. Super cool! ヾ(☆▽☆) ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Moonbeam created a topic of Itoshi no Hige Otome-chan

Don't panic, buy organic!
I had a T-shirt with this logo on it in the 90's


Moonbeam created a topic of Alien In My Closet

Lotus and the Creepers, spyin' on Hyesung...
Lotus: Wow look what a great time they are having *sulk*
...They're having a work meeting at Starbucks, Lotus, I'm sure they'd all much rather be dead. Get with the program, spaceman

Moonbeam created a topic of Heesu in Class 2

so do you just hang around by your fence, waiting to splash cute guys with the hose? excellent strategy, my friend...
OH NO you'd better come inside and TAkE oFF YouR WET SHirT QUicK before you get PNEUMONIA on this hot summer day
and the fact that he does this purely by accident *chef's kiss* a born natural

I like this kind of dreamy, watercolor art for a ghost story, it's very fitting!

Moonbeam created a topic of Angel Love (Feisna)

I'm sorry, but no--it doesn't matter how rich, good looking, well-connected, and/or biblically powerful someone is; anybody trying to get me to run laps at zero-dark-thirty in the morning would be earning themselves a one way ticket straight back to heaven via my foot (≧∀≦)

Moonbeam created a topic of Hoozuki no Reitetsu

it's been 84 years

Moonbeam followed a goer

Hey honeys :*
Wanna cum faster?) Play adult games -

04 04,2021
Moonbeam followed a goer

I love me some passionate nonchalant fictional men and cheerful strong fictional woman.
I'm satire most of the time.

Seme this seme that. Stfu. I love my bottom's. Idc about ur human dildo.

Art by 

04 04,2021

OK, I'm only a few chapters in, but this is the funniest goddamned thing I've read in weeks. I'm trying so hard to stifle my laughter so I don't wake up the rest of the house, I'm suffocating. SEnD heLP

Moonbeam created a topic of A Night With The Emperor

I can't see the emperor's name without thinking "Value Added Tax" (VAT).

Moonbeam created a topic of Boku wa Kimi no Shiro

This story decided I didn't need my heart anymore and just... ripped it out. If you find it, give it back ok, I kinda need it to live

What refractory period? ... don't twist a teste, friends, we won't have to wait long (≧∀≦)

Moonbeam created a topic of Master Of Master

I'm still thinking about why actual Dog God is just living with some regular guy in a regular human city. There's gotta be more to that than meets the eye, LOL