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Shisho followed a list
22 02,2023
Shisho followed a list
Shisho followed a list
16 02,2023
Shisho followed a list

Hewwo and welcome! ₍₍ ( ๑˃◡ ˂๑)◞♡


        BG only!!!

= triggers (do expect violence, too bothersome to put)
        abuse: could be physical, mental, verbal, sexual etc.

= my rating
 (5=absolute fav, 4=very noice, 3=goodie, 2=meh, 1=nah)

= mayb +1 star


         Get ready for some psychologically draining and
         emotionally terrible mangas!

15 02,2023
Shisho followed a list
Shisho followed a list
Shisho followed a list
07 02,2023
Shisho followed a list
Shisho followed a list
Shisho followed a list
Shisho followed a list

like my other lists, this list contains almost only reincarnation, reborn, imperial settings, transported or martial-art kinda stories with female leads

list #2:
list #3:
list #4:

05 02,2023
Shisho followed a list