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Kmsing April 19, 2019 2:51 pm

With the way things are going, here’s what I think is going to happen: One by one, he’ll reject all the girls, which will give him an opportunity to grow closer to that other female teacher. They’ll likely get together towards the end, probably when the students graduate.

I honestly don’t see him ending up with any of the students, considering how set he is on not dating a student. The only way he could possibly end up with one of the students is if there’s some kind of time skip to when they graduate/when they’re in college, which would be unlikely, in my opinion.

I just hope that Kazumiya is able to find someone who actually loves her before the manga ends. Poor girl, having an unrequited love for six years, despite knowing that he’ll likely never return her feelings. She deserves better. <3

Kmsing November 22, 2018 5:34 pm

Everyone thinks that Sangwoo isn’t gonna kill Bum but I think that’s exactly what’s gonna happen, since it’s the least likely thing to happen. Nobody’s expecting it. I don’t know, I just feel like, with his grip on reality getting weaker and weaker, he’s going to /actually/ snap in one of these chapters. Not only that, but Bum is actually starting to fight back, which will prove to be a problem with Sangwoo if he keeps going down the path he’s going. Bum is totally unaware of the fragile state that Sangwoo is in right now, which is likely going to be his downfall. His lying is only going to make things worse for himself, and I feel so bad that he has no idea whatsoever.

Kmsing November 19, 2018 11:36 pm

Can Heesoo please get his own story? My boy deserves it. He’s literally the only reason why I’m keeping myself semi-updated with the story (I haven’t really read any of the latest chapters lmao).

    Mitsorou November 20, 2018 12:23 am

    Lol same, I just love heesoo so much And If he doesn't get his story I'll be pissed

Kmsing November 15, 2018 6:42 pm

I’m still struggling to fathom how Hyesung’s feelings can change in just the snap of a, he literally wanted nothing to do with Dojin or Byul throughout his whole pregnancy and even went so far as to go and prepare to have sex with another dude, only to come back solely because they’re bonded? It’s like Hyesung’s character did a complete flip. It’s badly written, to say the least. I have no doubt that their love is nothing but an illusion.

Also, this is off topic, but can we stop normalizing rape just because it’s fiction? Yes, it’s been addressed already, but we can’t just brush it off like it’s nothing. Whether y’all like it or not, their relationship did come out of rape, and rape is never a good thing. It’s not “hot”, nor is it “cute”, and it’s questionable why y’all would even think that way. But, I digress.

    gu. November 15, 2018 6:51 pm

    I give up on their story to be honest cuz u are right it doesn't make sense at all I mean he even started thinking about a baby he didn't want him even so suddenly , I really hope the author correct this somehow and not keep their love an illusion anymore otherwise I will wish for a better story of hesoo and dojun where there's no such mistake

    Usako November 16, 2018 1:25 pm

    What makes you think he's changed? It's called "self preservation", and he's been doing that since the beginning.

    "Normalizing rape" means nothing to me when it's in a story. To me, it's used to progress a plot. Because it's a story. There is a difference. There are no blurred lines. No, I don't get off on it. But I do recognize it's just a story. My opinion is that people who complain "rape this and rape that, yadda yadda, normalizing rape, rape rape rape rape" give too little credit for that fact. But, it's just an opinion!

    Not once, have I ever seen a post that claims, someone read a yaoi with rape in it, then went out into the "real world" to rape and pillage the same way. To be honest, even if I did see a message like that, I'd probably not believe it was true. I would just think they were trying to mess around and poke fun. Then again, it might have only been a story . . . .

    Kmsing November 16, 2018 5:53 pm
    What makes you think he's changed? It's called "self preservation", and he's been doing that since the beginning."Normalizing rape" means nothing to me when it's in a story. To me, it's used to progress a plo... Usako

    Why do y’all keep missing my point? There’s no problem with putting rape, violence, and other graphic content in a story. Such things give the story substance, it plays at the readers feelings. However, if someone starts getting off on it and calling it cute, then there’s a problem, because that’s when it becomes harmful.

Kmsing November 6, 2018 4:59 am

Honestly, this resolution was a bit forced and not as satisfying as I would’ve liked it to be. I’m still not completely with the fact that they’re a couple now, as I don’t really feel like Hyesung has changed. All of those problems, solved just like that? In one chapter? It took the fact that he was literally bonded to Dojin for Hyesung to realize that he needed to take responsibility and resolve things. Had he not been bonded to Dojin, he would’ve went back to his old life style, which I find to be just a little irritating.

Kmsing October 31, 2018 3:43 am

Y’all are surprisingly pro-Hyesung and anti-Dojin but I’m just not...understanding Hyesung’s motives. I fully understand that he’s a victim of emotional abuse. However, the reasoning behind why he’s acting in such a way is a bit unclear and, to me, it isn’t outright stated. What exactly is the conflict? Does he feel like he doesn’t deserve a good relationship? Does he hate how he was born? Or does he simply not want to deal with a child? As a character, he’s irritating, to say the very least. His motives are unclear. It’s almost as if the author can’t decide what they want the main conflict to be. Whatever his motives are, it’s still not an excuse for the way he treats others.

Although Dojin, who’s apologized and shown remorse for what he did multiple times, is willing to try and make their relationship work (though Dojin is in no way innocent), Hyesung just keeps running in circles. It’s almost as if, throughout the series, he hasn’t changed at all, and the author is purposefully writing him in such a way so that they can create more unnecessary drama. He’s put himself in another sexual situation where he can easily be taken advantage of, not even thinking twice about his child. Recovery is a two way street and if Hyesung is not willing to try and better himself, then he’ll never improve. Once again, I’m fully aware that he’s a victim of abuse.

At this point, I’m hoping that they’ll just split. Simple as that. Dojin learns to move on and raise Byul with the help of Heesoo, while Hyesung does whatever. While parenting can be taught, it’s obvious that Hyesung is not ready to be a parent at all and their relationship is toxic. Of course, that’s probably not gonna happen since they’re bonded and will likely link up again.

    Takucchi October 31, 2018 3:55 am


    (╯°Д °)╯♡

    Anonymous October 31, 2018 4:05 am

    They're both running circles, not only omega. In previous chapter alpha could have talked to him, but, no, he just decided to fuck a recovering person. Alpha is not moving forward, he's just the same as well as omega. It seems to me the author just doesn't know how to develop characters and relationships without sex or doesn't want to.

    Stell October 31, 2018 4:11 am

    To answer some of your questions but this is base on what I understand on the story.
    1st, about the conflict. The conflict is within Hyesungs, he hate how he was born as an omega, because on the early chapters, the test said that he was an alpha, but when he met Dojin, he sudenly became an omega thats why theres a part on his heart that hates dojin because he believes that it was Dojin foult even though its not.
    2nd, i really dont know about the relationship but i feel that because he hate Dojin, he doesnt want to have a relationship with him though im not very sure with this.
    3rd, yes, he hate how he was born as an omega, because his father sold his mother to his friends because she was an omega and he believe that when his father knew that he turned into omega just like his mom, he will also suffer just like his mom.
    Lastly, Hyesung doesnt want a baby. On the early chapter, he wanted to abort the baby but because of Dojin, it backfired and as the story goes on, he develop a feelings for the baby but he himself doesnt realise it and keep denying it. And i think the way how his dad treat him when he was still a kid have a deep scar in his heart that it also affect how he thinks about the baby.

    But honestly, i also doesnt like how hyesungs character develop in this story. It feels like he is still a child, well i knew that he have some past.

    I just hope that if ever they will be together, hyesung learn to grow up, and become a better parent and partner of dojin.

    P.S: This is the longest comment i ever written lol

    youraedthiswrogn October 31, 2018 12:45 pm

    Omfg, THIS^. This is everything i feel to a T. I have people being like "well why do you dislike him? He's a victim" and i'm like "well why does him being a victim justify his behavior?". I've had condescending ass SJW types implying i don't understand Hyesung's situation, i understand it entirely, my opinion is an informed one. Despite Hyesung's past, his actions and attitude aren't justified.

    onlyY October 31, 2018 1:04 pm

    " i also doesnt like how hyesungs character develop in this story"
    Maybe that the whole point. The author doesnt want to change that. in real life there are people who are just ends up broken without repair. Struggling and fighting all their life without a happy ending.
    I hope it doesnt come to that but it feels like it right now.

    Rinsama_ October 31, 2018 1:08 pm

    ^^^^ totally agree. Not all people can be a rational human being who can overcome their trauma. This is certainly not an excuse, but it's nice to at least understand them.

Kmsing October 31, 2018 2:59 am

Konomi did nothing wrong, why do y’all hate her? Poor best girl.

    SaekiUmah November 3, 2018 10:15 pm

    I don't think people hate her, it's just the childhood friend thing is played out and Iori is actually better

    Kmsing November 5, 2018 4:21 am
    I don't think people hate her, it's just the childhood friend thing is played out and Iori is actually better SaekiUmah

    I mean, personally, I don’t really have a problem with the childhood friend trope, as long as the relationship is somewhat developed and not just thrown in there for the sake of it. Idk I feel like I haven’t really seen enough of Iori to actually determine who’s better. After all, she’s only /just/ now making progress with the MC and getting serious. Everyone is entitled to their opinion tho.

    ICE March 7, 2019 4:22 am
    I mean, personally, I don’t really have a problem with the childhood friend trope, as long as the relationship is somewhat developed and not just thrown in there for the sake of it. Idk I feel like I haven’... Kmsing

    I agree with you completely.There has to be a bond for me to ship for me.if they just throw it in there it wouldn't be a connection and it would feel like the couple is in the relationship just for the looks in my opinion.I know there is that love at first sight thing and some people can bond instantly.BUT this didn't feel like it was like that.So that is why I said before that I don't care which one she choose if she chooses one because she has a bond with both girls in my opinion.I don't believe in whose better when it comes to relationships.To me it's about who truly makes you happy and can be yourself with and I don't care if anyone thinks that cheesy or sad.I believe.

Kmsing September 18, 2018 8:31 pm

The only thing I can agree with Heesoo about is the fact that’s Hyesung wouldn’t make a good parent. He has absolutely no sense of responsibility whatsoever. Other than that, Heesoo is completely in the wrong and his logic in the whole situation is so twisted. He knows he’s doing something very wrong, but he keeps telling himself that what he’s doing is the right thing. Though, instead of hating him, I’m more interested. I wanna know more about his motives. I just hope it’s not the typical “I’m jealous, so I’m gonna ruin everything so that I can have him to myself”.

    Laverna September 18, 2018 8:59 pm

    This Comment is underrated. So mature (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    And I agree,idk know what kind of motives i expect or want heesoo to make him do that shit, but something surprising, controversal or just Idk really, but I am really excited and nervous because it still can backlash

    The part with hyesung is also right and was never or barely spoken out here cause the majority was angry at him for leaving/wanting to leave . But for me it shows that hyesung was reasonable and aware that he isn't in a good position to be a parent( althought he probably thought if it as more selfish point of view than for the child,therefore he made a tantrum like a child himself ) but he wanted the abortion and that was indeed the only reasonable decision...
    With him and dojin together raising a child...I wonder how the author wants to develop their characters especially hyesung to make it work

    baddy September 18, 2018 9:22 pm

    No body is born a parent I think Hye Sung could have done thing right with the emotional support of Dojin. In real life lot of parent have post parthum and that take them days, weeks even month to accept the fact that they have a child and they have to take care of him. And 1,5 parent is not 2 but still more than 1 (If the parent is not acting bad I mean)

    Kmsing September 18, 2018 11:05 pm
    This Comment is underrated. So mature (๑•ㅂ•)و✧And I agree,idk know what kind of motives i expect or want heesoo to make him do that shit, but something surprising, controversal or jus... Laverna

    Aaa, thank you! (⌒▽⌒)

    And yeah, a lot of people were so focused on being angry about the fact the Hyesung wanted to leave, that they never really paid attention to how reasonable he was actually being. He knew that he wouldn’t make a good parent. He knew that he’s irresponsible and sometimes childish, which was why he wanted the abortion. But he ended up keeping the child, which he knew would cause problems because he still wasn’t in any state to raise a child, or carry one.

    I’m really wondering how the author is gonna develop the two of them too, since, with the way they are now, it’ll be hard to raise their baby. I’m excited to see how much Hyesung’s attitude will change.

    Dayum September 19, 2018 12:29 am

    Hyesung is scared and not yet ready to be a parent but you cannot say for sure he wouldn’t become a good parent if he was given a chance. Parenting is a learning process. Some irresponsible people become responsible once they have a child.

    I have a friend who became a mom at the age of 16 and she’s a really great mom who raised a well mannered, smart and very respectful son.

    Aside from that, I agree with everything.

    Dabonyourhaters September 19, 2018 1:37 am

    No one's born a parent. Chances are if he has emotional support (which he is now under the impression he does not have aka.dojin) he will be a decent enough parent. Maybe even a good one later on.

    Kmsing September 19, 2018 2:40 am
    No one's born a parent. Chances are if he has emotional support (which he is now under the impression he does not have aka.dojin) he will be a decent enough parent. Maybe even a good one later on. Dabonyourhaters

    With the way he is now, even with emotional support, he wouldn’t make that good of a parent. He’s still immature and irresponsible, and Heesoo isn’t really helping the situation. In this case, just support isn’t enough, because he did have support from Dojin while he was pregnant, yet he was still acting the same. He doesn’t want the responsibility of a baby. What he needs is some kind of character development, which I hope the author is able to deliver within the next few chapters.

    Kmsing September 19, 2018 2:49 am
    Hyesung is scared and not yet ready to be a parent but you cannot say for sure he wouldn’t become a good parent if he was given a chance. Parenting is a learning process. Some irresponsible people become resp... @Dayum

    I definitely can’t say for sure that he won’t be a good parent in the future, once everything is settled, but with the way he is currently, he’s not really in any state to raise a child. Right now, he still doesn’t even want the responsibility of a baby. Like you said, he’s scared of the it (he wouldn’t even look at the baby when he had him). He needs to have some kind of development in his character for him to even start his path to being a good parent, otherwise it would just be the same as before.

    Lovena September 19, 2018 7:34 am
    No body is born a parent I think Hye Sung could have done thing right with the emotional support of Dojin. In real life lot of parent have post parthum and that take them days, weeks even month to accept the fa... baddy

    No, some people are. My sister is. I'm not. I rather die than fall pregnant. The thought of being pregnant is the main reason why I refuse to be a biological parent. I want kids, but grown kids who I can offer emotional and hopeful financial support. But not babies to raise and 'parent.' No, having and raising a child is a job I know I was not born for and no amount of teaching and support will ever change that.

    Dabonyourhaters September 19, 2018 11:38 am
    No, some people are. My sister is. I'm not. I rather die than fall pregnant. The thought of being pregnant is the main reason why I refuse to be a biological parent. I want kids, but grown kids who I can offer ... Lovena

    Glad to hear your sister is a great mom. Genuinely hope you tell her that I'm sure it will mean a lot to her. I'm sure tho that it was even for her a learning period and stressful. People learn how to parent, some are more natural than others but there is no such thing as the perfect parent. At any rate thanks to Heesoo we have to wait a while more to know. There are some people that 100% should not parent, but if hyesung was one, no amount of money would stop him from aborting. Also @Kmsing hormone have a huge effect during pregnancy

    Anonymous September 20, 2018 12:11 pm

    Im prettt sure OP has no idea about the mother's perspective on giving birth. Either OP os child or young male, because if she was educated and empathetic then she would of course sympathize with someone who was really forced to give birth. And on top of that the mother is given no mental or emotional help with his obvious post partum depression. You have no idea what being a good parent means other than seeing it on TV or from your parents, so why do you feel like you are allowed to judge?

    Kmsing September 22, 2018 7:58 am
    Im prettt sure OP has no idea about the mother's perspective on giving birth. Either OP os child or young male, because if she was educated and empathetic then she would of course sympathize with someone who w... @Anonymous

    Literally what? At no point did I say that I didn’t feel bad for him or that he deserved this. I clearly stated that the situation is bad and what Heeso’s doing is wrong. It’s not that hard to tell what makes a good parent and what doesn’t. It’s not rocket science. Are you implying that I have to have a child in order to have an opinion on what makes a good parent? If so, that’s ridiculous. I was just saying that, even before this whole situation, he wasn’t emotionally ready to have a baby (yet he was still bribed into giving birth) and because of that, he still had an immature mindset. He still had no sense of responsibility. He really didn’t even want the child. On the inside, he was literally terrified of having to deal with the responsibility of having a kid. I don’t know about you, but to me, those aren’t exactly the qualities that would make a good parent. So, even without the post-partum depression, he wouldn’t make a good parent because of his character and the situation he was forced into. However, as I stated in my other replies, I do think that, with some character development and emotional support, he can learn to be a good parent, even with his flaws.

    P.S, I’m a girl who’s step-mother has had two children (both girls, one year apart) and who’s aunt had a miscarriage about two years ago. So, I’d like to think I’m very sympathetic towards young parents and their struggles to adapt to parenting.<3

Kmsing July 9, 2017 4:35 am

Everyone is mad at senpai but he didn't even get a chance to explain himself better. Obviously, he chased after Kouta for a reason. But he saw that the person who he'd been kissing already had a supposed boyfriend, so he backed off, which is why he's eating other people's food.

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