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choso > u did ( All 1 )

talk to yourself

choso > u's experience ( All 0 )

choso > u's answer ( All 15 )

about question
uh ok ig BE WHO U AREEE   reply
22 07,2021
1. i like shounen ai's like heesu in class 2 yk, i get tired w/ smut. so yeah i like the fluff. i also love tamen de gushi[(I'm new with gl/yuri so please recommend some (*-*)] 2. I'm very awkward so i suck at small talks (i rlly dk how to talk wit ppl   reply
22 07,2021
I (⌐■-■)   reply
22 07,2021
armpit kink? HOW that just a piece of skin ಠ︵ಠ   reply
22 07,2021
to my mom? uhm yea? cause if i "explain" she'd be saying "u're so disrespectful" okay Terese ig no ones allowed to explain they're opinion now?   reply
22 07,2021

choso > u's question ( All 6 )

no bro she took my phone n i saw my gallery on recently used apps
21 07,2021
come on what's the special ingredients? erwin smith rule 3-
21 07,2021
im a lazy mf so..
21 07,2021
about question
like dude doesn't it smells sour like funky?
20 07,2021
about question
yea no i really don't know how it works ;|
20 07,2021

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did song lyrics stuck in head

Like a deja vu, you're like a deja vu, say it, say it, say it, say it louder <3 perfect song

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did song lyrics stuck in head

same ground by kitchie nadal

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did song lyrics stuck in head

"Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh is it that sweet? I guess oh" [Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter]

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