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Juswayeah2's feed

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Red Candy

But I admit I never noticed that I've already cried...tears escape from my eyes...I felt a pang in my chest when Candy said to forget everything as if it never existed...he loves Hajun so much and it's hard for Candy's just that he thinks Hajun isn't sincere with his feelings at first and now he just wants Hajun to be safe...since it's Candy's mission to hurt him which is he can't do..he thinks what's the best for both of Hajun... that was his decision...which is sad:< ... hoping Candy would tell the truth from the beginning and I know Hajun would still accept him since Hajun doesn't care at all whether Candy has a reason for approaching him or not ....still has a long way to go though...pls author-nim let them be together againn or else my girlfriend would vent all her anger to me..she nags all the time whenever Candy and Hajun has misunderstandings...she would never talk to me for an hour...sulking because of what happened to Candy and Hajun..still cute haha