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Juswayeah2 created a topic of Final Stop

There's no way that's the ending?!! Seriously? kyut pa naman nung aso baby nya pala yon in heaven T~T at least give them another baby we need justice for we're being robbeddd

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Hold Me Tight

F*ck u hell u both also the other Susan in My Suha hmp

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Love So Pure

I wanna take home Daeshik or put him in pocket.I wanna kidnap himm just like byulll

Guess he really likes rainbow huh-

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Turn Off the Camera!

So, I see. Jihoon would end up with Yoojin lol.
And now here we are with the traumatized past again..Shut up mf. Jihoon has nothing to do with you and hasn't done anything wrong with you. And Yohan if you like Jihoon tell him directly with sincerity and change your actions you're not an exception anymore (although I want you to end up with Jihoon and not Yoojin) you're just like Yoojin. Bcs I think you only like Jihoon bcs you want to have sex with other words you're just chasing him for sex.. both trash..And also Jihoon I'm starting to hate him idk what's the reason but I'm really starting to hate him ..idk anymore

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Hold Me Tight

Istg I hate this granny and also that granny from "My Suha"

I just want to "Ok Susan you need to sleep and never wake up again..have a good rest forever."

SuperbAss superbb ass
Finger licking good

Juswayeah2 created a topic of My Suha

If I were Jiwoon I would do the same lol. Call it possessive or being toxic or being selfish or anything u want to call. I kinda agree with him. Imagine he suffered since he was a kid and traumatized that leads him to be like that..start having trust issues..I know it's not an excuse but doing it for ur love ones it doesn't matter anymore... especially when Suha is the only one who's left and the one that he can call family.He wanted to protect Suha.He don't want it to happen again on what happened to Suha when that red hair guy sexually harass Suha by using that secretary (secretary of the red hair) also that time infront of him Suha agreed to come with the red hair guy instead of helping or running away..if we're talking about Suha's safety if this would be the only way to protect Suha against that mf then I second Jiwoon..bcs Suha also suffered from that bastard..both of's just that Jiwoon did it in kinda wrong way though doing it without telling or asking permission to Suha that he would do something like that..also that mf is looking for Suha..if that happens then Suha would be in danger he's kinda weak and Suha has so many weaknesses.. it's better to act early before it's too late. What If Suha die Bcs something happen?then we blame Jiwoon for not protecting Suha lol no if that's Jiwoons way to protect Suha then y not as for both of them they should have talked about it first and then later on Jiwoon should seek a psychiatrist for treatment and also that granny I want to choke her joke but seriously I wanted to. But Jiwoon man just stop being exaggerating and place your jealousy and possession before u choked Suha by ur wrongdoings and also Suha just be by his side Bcs u need each other, and pls understand each other. Talk Bcs that's the key. If everyone would just understand the story cuz it has a deep meaning and lesson. I just want them to be happy for goooooddd.

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Turn Off the Camera!

Idk but no hate to Yoojin cuz I'm not at ease whenever Jihoon is with him I really don't have an idea who's gonna he end up with but bcs there's a camera man I think it gives me an idea that Yoojin and Jihoon would end up together then Yohan and the camera I wish Jihoon would choose Yohan just like what happened in Love Alarm Ss2
If not "I think" I would drop this manhwa the reason I'm reading this it's bcs of Yohan..Nah choose wisely Jihoon hawak ko pamilya mo

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Full volume

If they would beat Dowon and use him to blackmail Beom istg..grr. how I wish that Beom might be good at fighting and beat those shitty assholes I'm so furious bcs of their dumbass plan why the fuck would they do that to Beom if Beom didn't do anything to them in the first place... shit.

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

When Maetel said that he's relieved that it's not his baby it's because Louis said it first that he would abort it.Leading Maetel to think that if it was his baby and Louis would abort it then maybe he would never stop the urge to strangle Louis. If just both of u talk about what happened months ago that night then maybe that would clear up the misunderstandings and just be a happy family bcs the baby is also affected by u two set aside that psycho Duke

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Pearl Boy

So pearl boy was planned 8yrs ago?wow
And the fact that inking-nim is married wow Ingking-nim thank you for not giving up on pearl boy through out the years even though people find it hilarious at first but hoping that Juha's *pearl Cumming thingy* has a backstory to make it more understandable bcs my girlfriend keep saying that Juha's mother is a mermaid that's why Juha was like that I can't argue back bcs 10% left and I'm convinced by her haha. nah she's cute haha

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

I get it that Maetel love Louis for a decade to the point he doesn't want to let go the opportunity again and just be with him but forcing Louis to have sex and the fact that he tried to run away and saying stop many times is a rape.. if just both of you confessed to each other and talk about what happened 4mnths ago (ig?) maybe that would be the solution to clear some misunderstandings but hoping Maetel would realize what he did was so wrong and apologize to Louis and just be a good father and be a good boi ur highness If he would continue being toxic then none of the 2 either Maetel or Duke Wayton deserve our precious Louis

I was kinda waiting for a chapter where someone caught them being spicy because the door opened!who was it?!! Who caught them?huh?why is it so short give me justice
Why did the author didn't revealed it? guess leave it on our imagination huh

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Dear Benjamin

I'm kinda nervous for Isaac though what if his anger at Isaac prevailed if Felix would find out that Isaac is an Omega and he's the one that Felix's been looking for...Felix wants to kill him but I hope Felix's love for Isaac would prevail more..I want him to be soft when the time comes that Benj is his son and his lover is "that" omega and accept both of them..

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

Louis being pregnant but then running, horseback riding, rolling,falling, tumbling etc.

The baby:

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Will You Subscribe?

Dude being creepy and then later on be like "is this what I wanted" wtf I was about to hate him to bone but I guess he was like that because he was eager to sleep with the uke which is nah cuz in the 1st place he said his type was miltea and then find that magazine on the subway the uke was modeling then later on found out that they are the same... that's what I guess but dude don't have to be creepy,approaching like that and appearing suddenly out of nowhere guess he had his reasons lol we'll find out more about that. And also miltea was almost there to say that he like Hanseok but then get ruined by him also by thinking miltea is a slut without knowing miltea is suffering from something*u know what I mean*that only him can satisfy miltea like that got jealous and mad then blabbering some shit and jumping into conclusions lol..
The 3 of them are dumbasses but I like how this story would be long and where it were going haha. Can someone just give Jiahn a partner? I guess that's what he need a lover guess something happened to dude in the past hope he has a backstory (not really sure if it's the right term)

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Struggle

I love how Lee Kang is changing now..since that part where he knows the truth he changed. And he's willing to do everything to gain back the trust and the forgiveness of Juheon. Every Seme has a toxic side whether it's the mindset or the attitude..what he did in the past was so wrong and he knows that.. that's why he changed..he already tasted his own medicine..he learned from his past mistakes..I like it how Lee Kang takes thing slowly..he doesn't want to rush everything between him and Juheon and patiently waiting for Juheon to forgive him and accept him again and to marry him..the way he looks at Taeyang was a look of a father who's craving for his daughter calling him "daddy or father or papa" when he found out that Taeyang was his child he wasn't like "omg Taeyang my daughter I'm your father" instead he takes thing slowly and was there all the time for Taeyang and Juheon..not rushing bcs it might scare Taeyang though..He wants to make up for everything he missed since 8yrs ago..Lee Kang do really deserve another chance though..we know what he did from the past was something that isn't forgivable that easily..jumping into conclusions without knowing the truth and hurting himself instead..bcs he don't want to touch Juheon without his permission since that was he promised to Juheon.. oh jeez he don't want to give up Juheon

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

When Louis fell down..I was waiting for Maetel to say "are u alright?call the doctor" and then Louis will say "No your highness,I'm ok" then Maetel will cut him of by saying "but the baby isn't!" or "but I'm worried about the/our baby" I was waiting those words to slip on Maetel's mouth haha. But I guess that would make the story end fast haha. But still duke Rafael is sus...hmm

Juswayeah2 created a topic of Red Candy

But I admit I never noticed that I've already cried...tears escape from my eyes...I felt a pang in my chest when Candy said to forget everything as if it never existed...he loves Hajun so much and it's hard for Candy's just that he thinks Hajun isn't sincere with his feelings at first and now he just wants Hajun to be safe...since it's Candy's mission to hurt him which is he can't do..he thinks what's the best for both of Hajun... that was his decision...which is sad:< ... hoping Candy would tell the truth from the beginning and I know Hajun would still accept him since Hajun doesn't care at all whether Candy has a reason for approaching him or not ....still has a long way to go though...pls author-nim let them be together againn or else my girlfriend would vent all her anger to me..she nags all the time whenever Candy and Hajun has misunderstandings...she would never talk to me for an hour...sulking because of what happened to Candy and Hajun..still cute haha

Juswayeah2 created a topic of No Love Zone Webtoon

R.I.P that butthole eyyyy
Eun-gyeom's getting rip next chap.
What a cliffhanger