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I've stopped reading this a while ago but I'm still curious about one thing CHRIS i remember only liking him, someone tell me he's happy so i can drop this with peace in mind

Kim dokja's side bitch created a topic of Half of Me

Heechan: your face is even prettier

GUYS I THINK I GET IT he wants to buy a new comfortable bed for seyeong so that he'll become lazy and doesn't go to work, doesn't earn money, become homeless...
That's genius heejae.

Kim dokja's side bitch created a topic of Jinx

Someone msg me when jk's redemption arc starts and he starts begging dan for forgiveness (crying on his hands and knees preferably) because i have no patience to keep reading this as it is now

This shows you don't need to draw explicit scenes to make readers feel the sexual tension between the characters

The whole dialogue in this manhwa feels AI generated i can't understand it or take it seriously T_T

That misunderstanding could've easily took 2 or 3 chapters, but I'm glad that for once the character (especially the uke) took the initiative to confront not only his feelings but the guy he likes, I LOVED THAT!!

Kim dokja's side bitch created a topic of Wet Sand

Completely forgot the plot, all i know is that mc fucked both dudes and they both git mad and jealous and shit and that's it

Kim dokja's side bitch created a topic of Full volume

The author is really milking this out for all its worth

Not him planning a whole revenge plot only for it to bite him back in the ass lol
On a serious note tho, i feel bad for our mc :( the notes are heartbreaking.

Kim dokja's side bitch created a topic of Liveta