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pankechi created a topic of Neko x Neko

Switch couples are so rare in the BL world, I wish there were more stories like this

pankechi created a topic of Saiyaku ni Shite Madowazu

Ngl, the bottom annoys me when he says something hurtful to the top and and doesn't really apologize. Rather than a 41 years old man, he feels more like a teenager.

pankechi created a topic of Let's Go Cheer Boy!

I feel like I traveled back in time to the early 00s reading this manga. Using sexual abuse and rape the way the author did in a comedy manga feels uncomfortable.

pankechi created a topic of Contradict

Torikai said he was afraid of hurting Yajima, but to me, his decision to not tell Yajima was mostly about protecting himself.

pankechi created a topic of Gentle Forest

I thought the whole ass liquid thing was weird until I saw the mpreg tag lmao

pankechi created a topic of Love your love enemy

The otaku guy realizing his mind has been ruined by porn lmao (regarding the XXX thing)

I dislike the emperor more than the empress, at least she isn't a hypocrite in her aim for power. He's just a coward who can't even properly try to fight her head on.

pankechi created a topic of Super Natural/Jam

Worrying about someone doesn't mean you're "treating them like a girl". It doesn't matter your gender, you can still catch colds or be robbed in a dangerous street. The problem is just when someone acts overly protective. It's good that Daichi let go of his insecurities later though.

pankechi created a topic of Afterglow

I can't get over how the mangaka drew the tattoo up to his juicy ass when that makes it harder to redraw it. Talk about priorities lmao

pankechi created a topic of Yoake no Uta

My hunch about Alto's origin was right, but frankly, I still have no theories regarding on how they can neutralize the black sea or why it can only possess certain people.

pankechi created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

I really like the director actually. That sort of catlike personality is attractive to me lmao. I wish they were in a different manga, this sort of love triangle shit doesn't appeal to me when it's done just to prolong a story and cause miscommunication on top of miscommunication. It just gets tiring.

pankechi created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

Minato really needs therapy to deal with his own issues and trauma. Such insecurity is not healthy

Tbh it reminds me of how my lesbian friend doesn't care much about her gf's exes being around since their circle here is kinda small. I don't think I'd have reached the same level of "nirvana" she or those guys did unless it was just some quick fling that lasted a few months at most lmao

pankechi created a topic of Reunion

Bless you whoever uploaded the uncensored version

pankechi created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Is this couple twisted? Yes, but they're also hot af lol. I love twisted couples as long as the authors don't try to act like they didn't do anything.

(I edited my comment since I found out a word I used could be seen as a slur. Sorry there, I'm not a native speaker so I didn't know).

pankechi created a topic of Night Song

Now I'm even more confused about the Queen's feelings towards his mom.

pankechi created a topic of Gokutora no Honey Bunny

It's easy to say violence isn't the answer, but then what are you supposed to do when the police doesn't do anything? Uke is quite naive in saying this but not proposing any other solution. Laying low doesn't really mean anything. I've seen gangs kicking people out of their houses simply because their houses were at strategical points to them. Usually it's easier leaving the place than trying to go against these gangs, which is still very hard emotionally wise. The most the seme could do is support another yakuza branch to beat the current one in power, striking a deal with them as a neighbor clan. But it's not like this would be a 100% no violence solution, just a more a quicker and more stable one.

pankechi created a topic of Usotsuki to Hatsukoi

"Yeah, I was stalking you, now bye *proceeds to leave the apartment*"

Okay, now this was a new type of behavior for a stalking ML lol

pankechi created a topic of Bite marks and Fluorite

I feel like a lot of authors confuse sheltered and lonely people. People who can only rely on themselves tend to be very wary of others, unlike the MC here, who's acting like a sheltered young teen.