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mio add 1 photos to pretty
mio followed a list
mio add 1 photos to pretty
mio followed a list

My Ultimate BDSM list!!!
What does BDSM stand for you ask?
Bible discussions and study meetings ofc ;)

#1 - #36 are my personal recommendations
#37 - #64 is bondage
#65 - #72 are dom ukes and sub semes
#73 - #90 is pet play, exhibitionism, CNC roleplays
#153 - #170 are smutty/hardcore oneshots with taboos
#171 and on are femdom (hetero, yuri)

go ahead and recommend if you liked this list <3

maybe even tell me you fav kink in messages 

18 12,2023
mio followed a goer
11 12,2023
mio followed a list

I can read these mangas many times! I rate them >9.5/10 based on my own preferences, so there will be lots of non-mainstream BL
Genres: NO PWP, no doujinshi
Length: <100 chapters or 3 vols
Search by tags:
If you like this list, please click "RECOMMEND". Thank you XD
2nd list:
(If 1st list is full, i'll move older ones to my 2nd list)
Long series:

30 11,2023
mio followed a goer
27 11,2023
mio created a topic of Pure villain


mio followed a list

#1-34 contain smut! 

— criteria — 
‣ female is DOMINANT aka initiates/takes the lead in the relationship.
‣ reverse gender roles or not a "typical" m/f relationship.
‣ boy gives off soft boi energy & tends to be much more shy & passive.

 — femdom —
feminine dominance (also refers to femdom in a BDSM relationship).

i would appreciate it if you recommended this list(‐^▽^‐)!
enjoy~ and get ready for some blushing bois! ♡ (/^▽^)/

27 11,2022
mio followed a list

 Romance ain't the main focus 

Love? What's that? Never heared of.

Little to no romance 

Just a reminder that there still might be some kind of romantic elements in some of the stories, this is first and foremost a list for myself where I dump stuff I find.

Meaning: I haven't read most stories myself yet <3

100% FULL 

Part II:

16 08,2022
mio like question

Since there have been so many comics with... Quite unrealistic depictions of BDSM, I thought I could start an AMA here in case people have some questions. Have something you always wanted to know about BDSM/kinky relationships but never had the courage to ask? Saw something in a yaoi and wondered whether it's realistic or happens in real life? Go ahead and ask here!

For reference, I'm a bisexual Dom with around 10 years experience in BDSM and kinky sex and I'm very passionate about safe, sane and consensual BDSM :) I'm pretty confident I've seen it all, or at least most of it haha

Feel free to ask ^^

mio followed a goer
30 12,2021