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explodingguts's feed

I don’t understand y’all logic. Y’all are shitting on Jooin and calling him annoying and stupid for what? Cause he had standards and left Yawhi’s weird ass? Yahwi is going through all this stuff cause he treated someone he “loved” like a sex worker and only gave af about him when he was with someone else. He didn’t “shape up” until Cain showed up even after he promised Jooin he would. At this point Yahwi’s love is just obsession and holding onto something that was never there to begin with. He’s obsessed with Jooin because he actually liked him, but because he couldn’t treat him right Jooin left him. Yes Jooin never spelt out what he wanted from Yawhi but the shit he wanted were basic things anyone in a relationship would want. So just cause he didn’t make thing’s SUPER obvious for Yahwi doesn’t mean he deserved to basically be treated like a prostitute. And I know how you bitches like to tussle about this rape/sa thing but that shouldnt be ignored. And on top of that he fucking slapped Jooin for speaking his mind. Jooin has not once put his hands on Yahwi even when he deserved it (like when Yahwi pretty much blamed him for SA him) but I digress. And to top it all off Yahwi has been harassing Jooin since he broke up with him. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING has been done to Yahwi. All the shit he’s going through is because he wont leave Jooin tf alone like he asked