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Alex add 1 photos to bestie wtf

i hope he isn't the ml either , actually i hope there isn't one

Alex add 1 photos to /
Alex add 1 photos to yassified

well. you are doing a great job with that now arent you

Alex add 1 photos to /

i dont want him to be the male lead :/

Alex add 1 photos to yep very straight

love that energy tbh

Alex add 1 photos to go cry about it

damn bestie mad cuz a woman younger and more talented than he'll ever be is awesome?

Alex add 1 photos to /

mhmmmmmm nope

Alex add 1 photos to yep very straight

not the red head blushing

Alex add 1 photos to /

nah i dont like them

Alex add 1 photos to cutie<3
Alex add 1 photos to umm k

did he just spawn in there orrr

Alex add 1 photos to material growlll

duh bestie is a god