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the zedmeister's feed

idk if this would count as spoilers bc this all just me assuming like i only read up to where it is here but in any case,,,,
Basically, I think her dad fell for Zhen Hao a long time ago, and it had something to do with the fact that they were both racers (?) (because in that one chapter where Shen says something like “ever since one year ago” there’s a picture of Zhen Hao in a racing outfit like his) and when he found out that his daughter was getting with the guy he liked, he got really sad and angry and not wanting to hurt his precious daughter, he let her marry him but only at the cost of venting his anger on Zhen Hao instead. And the whole switching when they “touch”...this might be a wild assumption but like it might be because Shen wished to be in his daughter’s place when they kissed at the altar right before the lightening struck (?) and so every time Zhen Hao or Fu touch the other in an intimate way, Shen comes out. Also, the way he was so stubborn for a while about NOT sneezing and saying he’d never change back...probably was subconsciously doing that on purpose to get closer to Zhen Hao.

yeah lmao but that’s just a theory & I’m really excited to see what actually happens because this story is so sweet (also hoping Fu finds someone great to love her too <3)