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Calm down April 18, 2020 7:34 pm

Ok if people want to ship Yoon and Nakyum, go right ahead. Its a fictional story, we are all here for smut scenes and ofc the plot. Although, what slightly irritates me is that people want to change Yoon’s character. They want to fit him into their own narrative. He is not a nice guy, he raped and beat up Nakyum. He has killed and beat up his servants. People like to justify his actions cause of the setting and that “he's going to change”. But its so fucking clear that the author is not portraying him as a caring or loving dude right now. If he does change and becomes lovers with Nakyum, thats perfectly fine cause its all up to the author. But he hasn’t really changed all that much as of now, i mean he may treat Nakyum better but there is no indication that Yoon might love him. Its fine if Yoon is not a nice individual and you want to ship him, just stop trying to change his character. He is a brutal psychopath and thats why he is interesting.

    paused April 18, 2020 8:04 pm

    you say do what you want so why not expect a change ( ̄へ ̄).. you should be irritated no at those who expect a change but at those who are always critising his behaviour as if it is a surprise when he does sth bad,,,, i mean the whole point is to see character development

    Zarathustra April 18, 2020 8:05 pm

    I don't know about anyone else but :
    - I ship Seungho and Nakyum and I will go right ahead because it's nobody's business anyway. I think it's funny that people feel like they need to give permission to others to do so or tell them how to read their stories.
    - I don't care about anyone else narrative because most of people see themselves unbiased and then go on seeing the character to fit their own narrative as well. For instance, if a reader do not ship them, it doesn't matter what the writer writes, they may minimize it because it fits their narrative that Seungho do not care for Nakyum, etc.
    - Seungho is definitely not a nice guy. I am a bit fucking tired of people getting irritated with readers who take the character as it is and even so ship him with Nakyum and 'justify' with the background that the author gave us. I don't read every rape plot stories but I know the drill of the trope in Yaoi. An asshole seme start as abusive/bully and then becomes the lover/protector. This is not even a Yaoi trope. Shounei Ai use the same trope with the dominant/abusive seme who 'wins' over the resistant uke by changing and becoming softer and his protector.
    - I find it funny that people use their opinions as facts. To me, in my opinion, the author puts a fucking lot of effort to shove in the face of the readers that Seungho has changed a lot for Nakyum. THANK FUCKING GOD the author doesn't fit Seungho into the narrative of people who only will accept that he is developing until he drops on his knees and ask forgiveness because it would be really weird if he suddenly changed 20 fucking years of behavior just like that.
    - Again, opinions are not facts. Seungho is a man of his time. Period. Just like people who killed, raped and brutally killed people not even two centuries ago because they had a different skin tone are not called psychopaths. They were not good people too if we think in today's mentality and they were doing the same shit or worse but incredibly enough, they were raised to believe that they were entitled to that. Notice that I am not even talking about this period that was even more brutal, I am trying to use a more modern time like slavery so people can please stop throwing the word 'psychopath' towards human behavior from other times that, although abhorrent to us, normal 'enlightened' people, where people much the way of life.
    Of course we 'justify' Seungho's behavior with the tools the author gave. Again, not all rape plot stories are good in giving the footing for the plot. In this one, the author actually gave us a good one --- Seungho is an entitled lord, living in a time where OUR modern sense of justice was simply inexistent. Thus he could kill a man in broad day light and go home without being so yes, we 'justify' the behavior because the author was smart enough to create this story in a timeframe that puts the bad things that Seungho does in perspective for the readers who can understand the difference.
    The irony of people who get irritated with others who ship Seungho x Nakyum is that they also see Seungho the way they want to fit in their narrative. So, if they want to fit Seungho into the narrative that no, he doesn't care for Nakyum, he didn't change, it doesn't matter what the author writes -- that he puts character after character mentioning how Seungho was and is, that he shows Seungho going through an arc -- all that means shit to readers who do not want this to happen and will only say the character changed when he is begging on his knees -- what by the way may not even happen.
    The latest raw has Inhun actually talking again --- how much Seungho seems to care for Nakyum -- what he doesn't understand. Sometimes I have the impression that the author is even trying too hard to say it without making the character act out of character.
    Yes, Seungho is not a nice person. Still, if people want to love him anyway and I think that, to despair of many readers, Nakyum will end up loving him anyway, it's their problem.
    Stop trying to tell others how they should feel about their characters. People who don't like the plot and come here to complain about shippers are always saying the same thing: that everybody else should stop enjoying or feeling what they do so you can feel comfortable or validated. if you feel irritated, it's not anybody's else to make you feel good. Enjoy the story, the characters or don't. Let others fangirl, justify, like, ship and stop lecturing them.

    justme April 18, 2020 8:19 pm
    I don't know about anyone else but : - I ship Seungho and Nakyum and I will go right ahead because it's nobody's business anyway. I think it's funny that people feel like they need to give permission to others... Zarathustra

    exactly i mean i am tired of feeling bad i like Seungho but the author has shown some many sides of him i cant ignore,he isnt nice but nothing is all black or all white.......he has hurt Namkyun but also regret it , he didnt even force him anymore after Bamkyun got sick, i have seen other yaoi who started with rape and the transition to love was so fast and weird and i couldnt like the seme at all.If someone doesnt like Seungho it makes sense to me but why start to judge those who do we dont see things the same way its the beauty of reading something.

    Danae April 18, 2020 9:40 pm
    exactly i mean i am tired of feeling bad i like Seungho but the author has shown some many sides of him i cant ignore,he isnt nice but nothing is all black or all white.......he has hurt Namkyun but also regret... justme

    Making you feel ashamed or feeling like you need to give an explanation all the time is exactly the point of these kind of posts.
    People who choose to read rape plots but can't handle the audience should be the ones checking themselves out, not the shippers who are doing nothing but having their fun.
    If people were mature enough to just like or dislike their stories/characters without the kind of posts like 'let me teach you all how to feel about this because I am morally and intellectually superior than you' or worse yet: "I don't like that you ship X and Y although I choose to read a trope that clearly is geared for shippers like you. So let me post an order to say all of you to stop posting comments that I am not forced to read but I choose to and upsets me'.
    I love Seungho too, being the mean asshole that he is and I ship him with Nakyum. He is an interesting character because he is not a nice guy that is in love with his completely pure opposite and he is not even aware of how much he changed already.
    I see clearly signs that he is already completely in love with NK and I think the author is doing a wonderful job showing all the things he does that would mean care if we take the perspective of how a 'bad' guy like him would do if he had fallen in love.
    The history background IS the justification the author found to build Seungho's arc. The whole fucking point of 'justifying' abuse is that perspective matters and the author gave it plenty.
    The more the stories progresses, the clearer it is that Seungho x Nakyum are endgame and we had a whole season of Seungho development into changing himself for Nakyum. If some readers read all this now and say, no, I don't see it and I won't accept it, that's fine. What is annoying is that they actually believe they have the right to shame the shippers into stop posting their fun.

    Zarathustra April 19, 2020 12:12 am
    exactly i mean i am tired of feeling bad i like Seungho but the author has shown some many sides of him i cant ignore,he isnt nice but nothing is all black or all white.......he has hurt Namkyun but also regret... justme

    You're not wrong. There is a reason why every single time Seungho is shown doing something terrible to any other character, the scene ends there. We are meant to understand that Seungho doesn't waste an ounce of sleep over anything he does. With Nakyum, every single confrontation, from the slightest ones to the most violent, we get scenes of Seungho flustered, bothered, altered or unable to sleep. Someone said that Nakyum is the first and only person that makes Seungho feel bad after something he does, the first person who makes him more human -- because hurting NK is not something he just can do and not feel it.
    Imagine being the author and writing Seungho journey in these 44 chapters from a libertine who slept with three guys every other night, and ending the season as a monogamous lowborn lover that now is know around the town for the gossip that 'the great Yoon Seungho turns his house upside down every day because of the peasant Nakyum' and then conclude that no, there is no sign that Seungho changed because of Nakyum.

    justme April 19, 2020 12:25 am
    Making you feel ashamed or feeling like you need to give an explanation all the time is exactly the point of these kind of posts. People who choose to read rape plots but can't handle the audience should be ... Danae

    And they keep reading pretending they arent enjoying the story anyway this is a really great manhwa i will enjoy this as much as i can (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    justme April 19, 2020 12:27 am
    You're not wrong. There is a reason why every single time Seungho is shown doing something terrible to any other character, the scene ends there. We are meant to understand that Seungho doesn't waste an ounce o... Zarathustra

    thank you ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    honeyimhome April 19, 2020 1:51 am
    I don't know about anyone else but : - I ship Seungho and Nakyum and I will go right ahead because it's nobody's business anyway. I think it's funny that people feel like they need to give permission to others... Zarathustra

    I absolutely agree with this entire statement commentor-san and appreciate the analysis

    Calm down April 19, 2020 2:13 am
    Making you feel ashamed or feeling like you need to give an explanation all the time is exactly the point of these kind of posts. People who choose to read rape plots but can't handle the audience should be ... Danae

    I feel like I didn’t explain myself well. I also ship Yoon and Nakyum because I like the dynamic and I know im reading erotic smut. I love this author’s work because of how detailed they make the characters. I guess what i was trying to say is I dont think Yoon is a nice guy but i can still ship him with Nakyum. I can acknowledge he kills and rapes though. Also, sorry for using psychopath, i meant he is someone with not a lot feeling. I just see readers gush over how Yoon is so sweet and kind to Nakyum. i don’t see it that way but I guess I agree that I am biased by my own narrative I made myself. What i mean by change is changing who Yoon is as a character right now, he is not loving and I aknowledge he has done nice gestures. i guess my whole perspective of him is he is a brat with no morals and a shitty individual. Though I love him even if he is a shitty individual, i love his character. i really feel bad that i came across as trying to be morally superior. I don’t know if I even explained myself well but this is sort of my thought process.

    Calm down April 19, 2020 2:15 am
    I don't know about anyone else but : - I ship Seungho and Nakyum and I will go right ahead because it's nobody's business anyway. I think it's funny that people feel like they need to give permission to others... Zarathustra

    I feel like I didn’t explain myself well. I also ship Yoon and Nakyum because I like the dynamic and I know im reading erotic smut. I love this author’s work because of how detailed they make the characters. I guess what i was trying to say is I dont think Yoon is a nice guy but i can still ship him with Nakyum. I can acknowledge he kills and rapes though. Also, sorry for using psychopath, i meant he is someone with not a lot feeling. I just see readers gush over how Yoon is so sweet and kind to Nakyum. i don’t see it that way but I guess I agree that I am biased by my own narrative I made myself. What i mean by change is changing who Yoon is as a character right now, he is not loving and I aknowledge he has done nice gestures. i guess my whole perspective of him is he is a brat with no morals and a shitty individual. Though I love him even if he is a shitty individual, i love his character. i really feel bad that i came across as trying to be morally superior. I don’t know if I even explained myself well but this is sort of my thought process. I apologize for lecturing cause that is something I hate about other people so I acknowledge that was really shitty of me.

    Zarathustra April 19, 2020 4:15 am
    I feel like I didn’t explain myself well. I also ship Yoon and Nakyum because I like the dynamic and I know im reading erotic smut. I love this author’s work because of how detailed they make the characters... Calm down

    I have to say your post did came across as completely different indeed...
    Maybe because I do see a lot of gushing over Seungho but hardly ever I saw someone call him nice or caring...even Seungho fans usually acknowledge he is an asshole but since they go by the premise that he is meant to be the redemption arc of the story, it makes sense for them to highlight the actions that show he is improving/changing over NK that the actions that show that he still has a long way to go. I wonder also that gushing usually is either because people now are felling more confident that this will be a romantic arc and are letting themselves love Seungho's 'nicer and more caring' signs that the author wrote. Seungho fans are usually already in the defensive because they can't say things like 'Seungho really did that because he is starting to care' without being called off for not putting an obligatory disclaimer that lists all the things they know Seungho did wrong. ... I mean, they only want to gush over a character that they root for and not have their ears pinched, I guess and your post sure looked like one of those.
    If this was not your underlining intention then please consider the reply was not meant for you but only remain for the next one person who will sure lecture Seungho or shippers.
    I don't even mind readers who criticize the couple or the character, by all means, it's all valid. The weird thing is that most of these can't distinguish between criticizing a plot/character/couple and shaming/criticizing whomever read/ship non con .
    Thanks for your honest reply, not always that someone does see how their words come across as shaming or morality education even if they don't mean to. Cheers!

Calm down January 11, 2020 10:28 pm

My opinion on POTN is that I am interested in how the story will progress, I’m not that attached to the characters but I do want to know what happens next. I don’t really ship anyone and I feel like for stories like these, not every yaoi needs to have characters who need to be shipped. Although, if people do then who honestly cares. This is erotica or basically porn with plot. I throughly enjoy the art, the interactions with the characters and to be frank, the smut is absolutely gorgeous. I get excited to see when it updates and this might be sad to say but this is the highlight of my week at times. But if people want to complain about the rape or story, just let them. People are allowed to have opinions and feel disgusted or upset If thats how they feel. The only thing is If you are upset with the rape or how the story is progressing but keep on reading, I think its best to find another story. Read shounen ais, they are usually always about the romance and are mostly light hearted. I highly recommend Fools or All About Lust. Those manhwas are seriously cute and have respectful and healthy relationships. My last comment is on Seungho, I have a lot of doubts he will change, in fact I believe it would ruin his character if he did a 180 and started becoming nice. His character is a psychopath with little remorse to anyone. I also believe he is not in love with Nakyum imo. Its more of an obsession and I believe its a couple of things such as his innocence of sex, his push and pull towards Seungho(Seungho has never had anyone say no to him and probably feels excitement because of this), his awakening of lust and the fact his sex with him will be depicted in his paintings.

    donaa January 11, 2020 10:55 pm

    Finally a good comment that I can agree 100% on. By the way your name fits perfectly (⌒▽⌒)

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