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mamaG123 June 19, 2018 8:14 pm

That's some BS right there. Even if he was 'drunk' on pheromones, that's no excuse, the uke tried to leave before he got into alpha-mode. It's like saying that you can excuse a drunk for raping someone because they were drunk. Uh, no. If you read between the lines, the seme was saying ' I need something that can make him stay' and his subconscious or 'alpha-side' immediately went to 'get him pregnant', which happened. So it IS rape as the uke said no and stop and asked him to pull out. Rape is when they don't give consent which is what clearly happened. This is called 'dubious consent' Guy's, we've also got to remember their ages. The uke is 20 and the seme is only a little older than that. You're angry about the uke being bitchy but he's been basically been turned into a teenage mom and he didn't even fully consent to the sex. If he didn't demand for all these things, he'd just be another victim. I know it doesn't sound like it because of my rant, but I actually like this couple, including the seme so can we just move on from the 'he got raped' or 'he's being bitchy' and just enjoy the manga? Don't hate.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    ❀ Hana-chan ❀ June 19, 2018 8:37 pm

    Well, let's not forget that when it was the time that they had sex & because of that Hyesung got pregnant, both were taken by their instincts if we can say it like that, probably it wasn't mutual the feeling of wanting it but the actions clearly were. What i'm saying it's that none of them are innocent when it comes about behavior, both have their things. But to be honest i saw more development in Dojin & in Hyesung i don't know, i understand he's young & that he had always this immature attitude & he didn't want the baby, but i think now it's a little bit exaggerate. Anyway this story practically it's barely starting so things can change & personally, even if there's just 2 stories i think Fargo it's pretty good making good plots so i have hope in this, at the end i think she knows what she's doing ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ (sorry if i made a mistake i wrote it pretty fast)

mamaG123 June 13, 2018 6:14 pm

BULLSHIT. absolute BULLSHIT with an E on the end. its for the best my ass. tsk

mamaG123 May 3, 2018 9:37 pm

how can i handle this skinny love??? they are both just too cute

mamaG123 April 30, 2018 5:51 pm

i just KNOW this bitch is gonna ruin this skinny love. Uggghhh no ive seen this happen to many times before...

mamaG123 April 16, 2018 7:06 pm

im really confused. can someone please explain what is happening?

mamaG123 April 16, 2018 5:55 pm

I read the raws and it was Crystal's dad who made him the fake ID. They then had a talk and from what I could glean, some things were revealed to Daniel about why he has two bodies. I think.

mamaG123 April 12, 2018 4:59 pm

im kinda confused about how i feel about this. whilst i agree with what some of you are saying with the 'let us be' and ' people have their own kinks and shouldn't be shamed', i just cant help thinking about the fact that i have younger siblings. personally, i dint get of on this but i think thats just because it wasnt really my type of... scene.
but i do want to say that whilst many are saying this encourages pedos, im not comfortable with the way people have adressed their discomfort. calling people 'pedos' and 'criminals' because they get off on this is rude and unlikely to change their opinions. they're actually more likely to go and read some more shoujo just to annoy you. also, can you really blame them? can YOU control what you get off of? this is a bit similar to homophobia, except for the fact that homosexuality is okay and child molestation isnt. LISTEN. you need to try and stop shaming them and making them feel as if they're gross or should 'rot in hell'. i suggest that if you have a problem, calmly voice your discontent, give reasons and dont insult anyone personally. that way the people who do want to change will and the ones that dont can see that people find it unacceptable and can fully be blamed if they commit any crimes. (unlikely that they would commit crimes. people can separate fiction and reality you know) DEAL WITH THIS THE RIGHT WAY PLEASE.

    imbecile testicles April 17, 2018 10:33 pm

    Hello. first of all liking child porn isn't a kink it's called pedophilia, and yeah I was a bit rude but don't blame me because that anon really irritated me, and also I don't see how calling people who get off to child porn pedophiles rude? That's literally the definition of pedophilia, pedophile=attracted to children, so I can safely assume that people who fap to child porn are pedophiles. Now I'm not implying that everyone here faps to this or is a pedo but yeah I'm sure some people who read this stuff are. and for your information shotacon is legally banned in a lot of countries and places so depends on where you live you might be a criminal, and generally despite being banned or not child porn is a crime. you indentifying it as a 'taste' or a 'kink' does not change that fact. and yes you can very easily control what you get off to you know sex and porn isn't everything in life, it's not really that hard to control your desires depending on your determination level. and yes I don't feel bad about blaming people here because I'm 99% that most of these people here aren't actually pedos, they just read this stuff for the sake of being a 'hardcore fujoshi' or for the 'lolz' or whatever reasons but yeah being a pedo surely isn't one of them which why I have no proplem with judging them, in fact I absloutly despise them, because can you just not??? And for the reality and fiction thing your point is invalid, because reading this fiction might encourage you to look up to the real stuff, you know curiosity killed the cat, and that's one of the reasons why shotacon is banned in some places, aside from how realistic some of these mangas are lol.
    and lets not compare homophobia to this, for fuck sake literally every argument I've had concerning this topic there must be a person shoving homophobia in this lol, homosexuality and pedophilia are completely different things. you can't compare people who are against homosexuality to those who are against pedophilia.

    Tsukki-chama May 6, 2018 8:43 am

    Personnally I kinda mots have seen it like a "chibi" version while I was reading it. Even if un un canon on the story, they were obviously young. And yeah I quite sure as to say than I know it's not reallity, no thanks. Yaoi are not even 1/3 accurate (mostly) about homosexual relationship. So is it for everything that is con. After what I know it's only in my point of view and I can understand why on some country it's banned.
    But the think is normally what is bad with "pedophelia" is the fact than technically it's not really him who will décide to do something on it's own and will most likely do to please the adult. In draw like way, I see it (depend the story, I don't support the whole genre, only some, and in little dose) as mature and grow up toughs in the body of a child or ado. In that one they did act like some ado exploring puberty. But if the child do act like a true child, I'm going to find it sickening than people feel exited by it. Which is. Only in non pornographic and only horror way I am gonna enjoyed that one

    Anonymous December 9, 2019 8:28 am


    Angelic Cat June 17, 2020 4:28 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! antidote

    Okay.. I agree with you.. your comment is the most recent, so .. I'm only here to be educated and learn stuff cause I'm curious about this topic.

    But what about lolis? Shouldn't people get rid of lolis as well? they're kids too. And this genre, idk if it's okay. Cause on the other side of my mind, those disgusting pedos can get off to this and relieve themselves rather than finding a real kid. For me, this could be their only way to relieve themselves cause if they don't, they might not control themselves.

    And the other side of my mind, is that they could get more obsessive. I'm honestly confused (⊙…⊙ )
    This could help! or worsen their preference

    Haru September 4, 2020 10:05 pm
    Okay.. I agree with you.. your comment is the most recent, so .. I'm only here to be educated and learn stuff cause I'm curious about this topic. But what about lolis? Shouldn't people get rid of lolis as well?... Angelic Cat

    Yeah but there different types of loli along with different types of shota. There is legal loli and true loli. Legal loli is an adult women that look like children while true loli is of course children/ little girls. And there legal shota and true shota which I don’t think i would need to explain. So If you was gonna get rid of loli might as well just get rid of true loli since people would have a fit seeing a child fucking another child.

mamaG123 April 12, 2018 4:21 pm

Shoujo? Phhft, pur-lease. i can already see the ships.

mamaG123 April 9, 2018 8:20 pm

Begone evil spirit! Your presence is not wanted here (╯°Д °)╯

mamaG123 March 26, 2018 5:37 pm

Please don't do that thing in manga where there's a big misunderstanding that could have been avoided if y'all just TALKED!

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