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Ricko chan's feed

Ricko chan created a topic of Swipe Right For Love

Ummm that is not a normal behaviour from a normal human being, i smell a manipulative partner ! And yes call me overreacting or sensitive but like um excuse you ? Why is K acting like lil cutie problems don't matter and his fear isn't valid ? I felt like I didn't like him since he started blackmailing him but then it just got worse ! Why did he just ignore my boy's feelings about his friend ? He should've actually took the time to speak and understand him ! Try to find where exactly his fear is coming from and how to help ! No one changes just because they're feeling forced to do so ! Maybe he will actually come out because he was forced by his boyfriend but that wouldn't stop the fear ! Also why does he always force him to have sex ? I mean yeah the uke did look like he really enjoyed it and was fine with it but he said multiple times he didn't want to do it in the classroom ! Can people just listen to each other and stop using love and sexual pleasure to manipulate and control their partner