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mrutdy created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon


mrutdy created a topic of Bye Bye
mrutdy like topic of Dark Fall

I have a theory the artist doesn't like their own story because they always go on hiatus right before and during the explicit scenes. Since the second season, we've had many breaks until we got to the flashback arch. Then we got weekly updates, but now that we're back to the present, they went on hiatus again. Which is fair because this story is crazy but I'm curious if all the breaking is due to how crazy these scenes are and wonder why they've decided to create it in the first place? What do y'all think?

mrutdy created a topic of Dark Fall

I have a theory the artist doesn't like their own story because they always go on hiatus right before and during the explicit scenes. Since the second season, we've had many breaks until we got to the flashback arch. Then we got weekly updates, but now that we're back to the present, they went on hiatus again. Which is fair because this story is crazy but I'm curious if all the breaking is due to how crazy these scenes are and wonder why they've decided to create it in the first place? What do y'all think?

mrutdy created a topic of Comes In Threes

Im now noticing how weird the brother is after reading some spoilers a few chapters back... At first i just thought that they were just super close and Cause of trauma but now.... I'm uncomfy...

mrutdy created a topic of Bye Bye

It's frustrating how slow the mc is but i hate how the ml expects him to understand without actually telling him!!!!!! The mc just doesn't want to assune and get hurt!

mrutdy created a topic of True Education

I'm glad i stopped reading this garbage when i did.

mrutdy created a topic of Ghost Gate

Whose divk do i have to suck to get this serialized? Im grateful to the uploader and translators but im hella confused