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Mintcupcake's feed

Mintcupcake created a topic of Banana Scandal

Lemme explain something real quick for those of you who think that taehwan is harsh on Yeonwu when they're together, first of all he always ask for consent, that night that Yeonwu was drunk taehwan did say that he could basically give him a blowjob but only if he wanted (if yeonwu wanted) and said that if he didn't then was okay, then again with the toys he asked and in the new chapters that are coming too, he never forced him to do anything which in these new bls that are coming is something really rare, he doesn't need to be all lovey dovey with Yeonwu because they're not a couple, sorry for break it to you lol, but the fact that yeonwu has feelings for him doesn't make him a jerk just because he wants to only fuck (but just for now I guess lol) his sex partner, if he wanted to be all cute and sweet with someone he would already be with someone