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Soup's experience ( All 1 )

01 07,2021
ok so my theory bout idk the future or humans but includes cockroaches ok so im just guessing that before raid was invented flying cockroaches weren't a thing. but once raid was invented thats when people used it to kill the cockroaches. some dies and possibly some survived. and the ones that survived mutated into having wings, making them fly. th......   reply
01 07,2021

Soup's answer ( All 225 )

lgbtq+ should not be taught to preschoolers and elementary schoolers, and grown adults needs to stop forcing these kids into learning them. like why am i seeing parents making their 4 year old boy dress up in girl clothes and call himself a girl, he’s a literal kid let him do what kids do.   4 reply
18 01,2024
about question
it’s probably only me but as a woman nah i don’t like it it’s gross   reply
05 12,2023
about question
okay so my 2 aunts constantly gives their sons who are 4 their phone since they was young and let me tell you 1- he doesn’t know how to speak properly 2- will constantly look for an electronic if he doesn’t have it for a second 3- he will take it EVERYWHERE with him if you take his OWN TABLET away then he gonna go crazy 4- freaking spoiled cu......   reply
05 12,2023
it’s horrible cuz the electricity will be off for 6 hours and on for 2, the best have been 3 hrs off and 3 hrs on   1 reply
05 12,2023
about question
i saw a picture of my dad and thought he looked like this and it was accurate this what happens to my dad after having 7 kids (he loves us all just very much stressed when we were young)   reply
26 11,2023

Soup's question ( All 6 )

had this debate in english where money can’t buy happiness… i clearly disagreed money IS HAPPINESS like how u want a normal life without money. “ Oh WelL MoNeY caNt BuY LoVe oR FriEnDs” well that’s a personality problem not a money problem
14 08,2023
about go bald
13 08,2023
it’s been garbage for me and yk the world is getting worse everyday like it’s actually crazy but oh well it got nothing to do with me

but yeah how’s ur life been?
13 08,2023
It's something that happened to me when I was young and when my siblings talk about it now that laugh at me and ngl it hurts me cuz they are laughing at me but just wanna know if it's funny or not and that I'm being extra

So when I was like 6-7 yrs old I was in my home country but up state so it had mountains and it was cool there. Me and my family lived with my grandma ( she's my dad aunt but we call her grandma) when ever we visit there and she had a cow. So one day my mother called me and started yelling at me cuz she said I've broken a glass, which I didn't but I know for a fact my sister did and blamed it on me. So as a 6-7 yr old I diecied to defend myself and say it wasn't me. But she didn't like that and threatened me that she will take the cow's poo and feed it to me. I obviously cried and went to my room. Fast forward a few days my mom calls me again and scream at me (sorry forgot why) then I was telling her to calm down cuz I couldn't understand her or understood why she was screaming . Then she put gloves and walked away and minute later I see her with cow poo and she grabbed me and try putting it in my mouth but I covered it so she started to kick me so she can put it in my mouth. and people were watch like my sister-in-law but my mother told her not to help. Luckily she didn't put in my mouth but whenever she yells at me I cover my mouth just in case.

So is it something to laugh at or not cuz I feel like it's something serious to me
26 06,2021
about question
Can like y'all gimme some different kinds of art style that I can do cuz like I keep changing mine and can't stop so gimme some
21 06,2021
17 06,2021
im literally in class and my parents do the dirty and I heard EVERYTHING (I heard a bit too much ╥﹏╥)and im literally RIGHT NEXT TO THEM and when my mom came out I tried to play it cool and put headphones and pretending to be listening to music. and now she sittin right next to me as if she didn't get railed so im feeling sick now and wanted to know other people traumatizing stories :)
17 06,2021

People are doing

did have fake friends

Better alone than with fake or toxic "friends"

1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

"Kahit planuhin mong mabuti, papalpak ka rin naman" (Even if you plan it thoroughly, you'll still fail). Painful af lyrics.

19 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

please please please - sabrina carpenter
"heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another"

20 hours