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weeb_reader_com created a topic of Remarried Empress

Ok I'm just here to share my opinion don't kill me. So first of all, I understand the hate ya'll feel for Rashta but the level of it is what I don't understand. I know that she has done horrible things but I sympathize for it. (Sideline: I don't hate her for the Duchess thing because from what I understand, the Duchess was cheating on her husband? And well she really just revealed that.) I sympathize for SOME of them because well, as she mentions like every freaking chapter, she will do whatever it takes to protect her baby. And well I respect that. I mean imagine being a slave again and your baby going through that even though it's not its fault. And her actions about being delusional is pretty annoying but really kinda understandable. I mean, come on, she was a SLAVE and I really don't think she was educated in any way shape or form. And her common sense and baby-like thinking is kinda understandable if she was traumatized and really wasn't exposed to much of anything at all. But yeah I still do hate her for knowingly ruining a "relationship". But yeah I guess what I wanna say is that I don't understand why I'm seeing more people hate on Rashta than that scum-like, garbage, useless, and delusional emperor.

Why I hate the Emperor:
-More delusional that Rashta
-His audacity oh my gosh
-Just a really terrible person in all