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Conrad's experience ( All 0 )

Conrad's answer ( All 3 )

16 12,2020
Ancient execution methods like the breaking wheel   reply
16 12,2020
about dark web
15 12,2020
Children   reply
15 12,2020

Conrad's question ( All 2 )

about question
24 12,2020
Can women be misogynistic? My sister is a self-diagnosed incel and it's hella cringy. She insults women and makes fun of them. She also makes those "Women should stay in the kitchen" jokes and expects me to laugh at them. I thought she was just joking at first, but now it has become a daily problem. We can't even converse properly anymore without her being misogynistic and making useless remarks. For example, we were once watching a Tv Show, and a woman on there had a panic attack. Then my sister started saying shit like "Look at that woman. She is so weak. LMAO. All women do is cry all day, blah blah blah." whut ? I lost many brain cells that day. I always feel like saying "Have you looked at yourself??" but I don't :{ IDK WHAT TO DO as my mother is gravely affected by her behavior.
24 12,2020
about dark web
15 12,2020
15 12,2020

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