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I want to slap TF outta pink hair. You have this sexy ass nice business man and you keep fucking it up! Don’t fumble this and just date this man already! o(`ω´ )o

Obsessed with the main couple love Love LOVE. \( 'ω')/
The side couple tho not so much… It was a cute read but the ending felt abrupt. Holding out hope for side stories. (=゚ω゚)ノ

His dick scares me a bit. But he ate that shit up. Swallowed with no hesitation. ٩( 'ω' )و

MyDarlingOtaku created a topic of Instant Family

Why is Taeheon SO FUCKING HANDSOME?! I can’t even pay attention to the story cause he’s so pretty.

Not because it’s bad it’s SO FUCKING GOOD! Had me kicking my feet giggling the whole read. There’s just not enough chapters out yet (● ˃ロ˂)੭⁾⁾ T^T

MyDarlingOtaku followed a goer

˚✿₊❀ boobies ԅ(≖◡≖ԅ)₊❀・゚❀₊

 my brain is rotting from all the smut         intake  ᕦ༼༎_༎༽ᕗ


24 04,2024
MyDarlingOtaku created a topic of Boy meets Girl

Reading this felt like a fever dream but I still liked it? Why did they have to make the baby so ugly tho (´༎ρ༎`)