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qwqz created a topic of Your wish is my command

What if he said he wanna try fucking for the first time? But I guess jin is not that kind of person

BTW I am on jin's side. Fuck you hwan ;__;

qwqz created a topic of Heat and Run
qwqz created a topic of Imperfect Pervert

How many time I have to say WHAT'S GOING ON HERE for this story

qwqz created a topic of Love Jinx
qwqz created a topic of Heat and Run

feel like it's been too long. I'm already forgot the main couple

qwqz created a topic of Yours to Claim

Just give Cain to me and end this story

qwqz created a topic of Ring
qwqz created a topic of Imperfect Pervert
qwqz created a topic of Big Apple

The art is sooooooo good and I want more cause I'm really wanna know about the plot. Juergen is one of those wizard?

And how to pronounce his name? Jur-gen?

qwqz created a topic of Yours to Claim
qwqz created a topic of Sweet Spot (se yang)

I'm glad that I choosen this story, even though I don't have any clue about baseball game

Thanks for your hard work translator!

qwqz created a topic of Imperfect Pervert
qwqz created a topic of Love Jinx

Now I wonder about seohyun's life more than haegyung's

qwqz created a topic of Your wish is my command

So hwan is a psycho who has a magic? or a power? How the hell he can make the bridge collapse? Or he didn't and it was just a real accident? But one thing I'm certainly sure that he'e some kind of psycho FOR SURE

qwqz created a topic of Yours to Claim

Cain is definitely the better choice, as long as he doesn't act like a dog. You're human dude. At least in this life

qwqz created a topic of Love Jinx
qwqz created a topic of Yours to Claim

Cain with green eyes and red dog leash. Gosh he's so hot, but are you really a dog!!!!!!?

qwqz created a topic of Angel Buddy

This is familiar to in the movie that I don't care if someone die, but not dog or catㅜ3ㅜ

qwqz created a topic of Heat and Run

I don't know if I should feel sorry for myself for like Matthew. Seriously, he's hot but brooo WTF you've done

qwqz created a topic of Dangerous Convenience Store

The memes are a lot but I wasn't skip once