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moodyaf's experience ( All 0 )

moodyaf's answer ( All 2 )

they're all here having some really traumatic bday experiences and I'm just sitting here thinking that the two bad things that happend are that my friends fought on my 14th birthday and would not speak to each other for 2 weeks and that I'm trans and every year I hear people the happy bday song with my deadname. I hope all of you guys, that had som......   reply
17 12,2020
babysitting   reply
17 12,2020

moodyaf's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

being in a codependent wlw relationship is NAWT for the weak guys.

6 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

was one of those ppl who said "i will never experience that first wlw heartbreak" LMAO guess who's suffering now

12 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

lmao im hated by all her friends

16 hours