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Mia created a topic of Black Lotus

Tell me I wasn’t the only one say sangwoo

Mia created a topic of Fatal Scents

The second couple have twins

Mia created a topic of Struggle

Thb I’m not going to mother fucking lie I’m not even mad at kang I don’t see why everyone’s so mad at him. The only thing I’m mad about is him blaming the other supposedly love interest for a misunderstanding. For one all kang knew back then was something about a baby he thought wasn’t theirs because he thought heejoo was a beta, which beta male can’t even get pregnant, if it was me I’ll be mad to if I’m a alpha and a beta male came to me and said something about a baby because In their world beta male can’t get pregnant so I’ll automatically start thinking of something else.

Two if you remember his POV when heejoo said something about a baby he spaced out and started thinking his own thing he couldn’t hear what heejoo was talking about so even if heejoo said our baby kang couldn’t hear anything.

3. Kang was already thinking heejoo was cheating on him when he was hanging out with the rich girl omega (it
possible if a male beta to get a female omega pregnant) so even if it was out of his place to say something like abort the baby .it’s only because he only wanted heejoo to himself he wanted to possibly actually get married in the future.

4. He tried to call, text and even went to heejoo house to maybe apologize but it was to late. Heejoo should have at least answered or looked at his texts.

5. The other p/l/i tried to rape him and he even pulled heejoo sister into it. See if he never did that and actually tried taking or being his friend i could start taking both sides. And I’m pretty sure (not so much but I’m not going to look back through the story to see) he did try to talk to him but he was getting ignored he should have taken that as a hint to move on and especially when kang and heejoo was close.

6. Yes kang did some stupid shit but he’s trying his best to be a good father (better then some of these dads) he even going to change his career path for his daughter. He’s already thinking about giving them everything he owns. He’s trying his hardest to be a good father and proving he still love heejoo.

Yes I see the sister and heejoo pov they were and still is living their best life with the three of them and it’s hard to accept that kang is now trying to be in their life after so long but kang was and still is mentally ill he was under treatment when heejoo gave birth. And even if he weren’t under treatment he thought that heejoo probably left the country of something.and if he seen heejoo name in the hospital sheets he would have went to go see if it was his heejoo even if it was a different person he would have gone to see.

Mia created a topic of Black Lotus

It’s funny how all this shit is happening but we all know the ex-husband is going to be the end game

Mia created a topic of Ring

At first I was confused by the “auntie” because they said there’s only men in this world but now I understand.

Mia created a topic of Falling to Where I Belong

Is it good, should I read it or not waste my time

Mia created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

This dude is finna get kidnapped again by the duke

Mia created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

Y’all think him falling is bad they finna have sex in two more chapters

Mia like topic of Love Is An Illusion

I’m I the only one who wants omega Byul and for him to be proud of being a omega just because hyesung was insecure about being one and I maybe want over protective donjin/family(but knowing their family genes byul is more likely to be a alpha)

Mia created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

I’m I the only one who wants omega Byul and for him to be proud of being a omega just because hyesung was insecure about being one and I maybe want over protective donjin/family(but knowing their family genes byul is more likely to be a alpha)

Mia created a topic of Dream-Like Lie

Can someone be honest with me is this like black lotus before I read it

Is there any abuse, cheating, etc in here

Mia created a topic of Black Lotus
Mia created a topic of Who's Your Daddy?

Next chapter or two he’s going to find out he’s pregnant bc he ate a lot of strawberries

Mia created a topic of Whose Baby is it?

Nobody going to talk about feng Jinyao face when he found out yiyi got his hair for a dna simple it was absolutely priceless I was laughing about it for 10 minutes

Mia created a topic of Black Lotus

Do anyone have the novel raws???

Mia created a topic of Evenly Matched Love

Bitch it’s always the red/orange hair people you never want to see in these stories. Something about that color hair just say evil.

Mia created a topic of Evenly Matched Love

Why was I hoping one of the kids (mostly one with ice) to do the Elsa move to protect them because he was scared then everyone find out that they are actually the royal family kids that would have been so good.

Mia like topic of Fatal Scents

I mean look at it from his POV he started to actually love him but after he found out the real reason the uke went with him he was angry. It don’t justify what he did but still. He just wanted someone to love him for him and not his money and he knew if the uke got pregnant his parents would just give him a large sum of money so it hurt him knowing that he fell in love with someone who at first just wanted money to help his father. So from the seme POV it just looked like he was a gold digger. I would be mad to if I started to love someone but founding they only loved me for my money with me not knowing that they love me too so to me it would just look like a golddigger. Sorry if this looked offensive but I’m just trying to get y’all to see it from his POV. I love the uke he’s so nice and caring but from the seme POV it just look like he was nice to him just for money

Mia created a topic of Fatal Scents

I mean look at it from his POV he started to actually love him but after he found out the real reason the uke went with him he was angry. It don’t justify what he did but still. He just wanted someone to love him for him and not his money and he knew if the uke got pregnant his parents would just give him a large sum of money so it hurt him knowing that he fell in love with someone who at first just wanted money to help his father. So from the seme POV it just looked like he was a gold digger. I would be mad to if I started to love someone but founding they only loved me for my money with me not knowing that they love me too so to me it would just look like a golddigger. Sorry if this looked offensive but I’m just trying to get y’all to see it from his POV. I love the uke he’s so nice and caring but from the seme POV it just look like he was nice to him just for money

Mia created a topic of Ways of Parting

Idk why but I think the ex boyfriend boyfriend shot him idk it just a feeling that he shot him so he could go out with him when he was in a sad state and easily win his heart