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jine created a topic of Kemono Asobi

I LOVE this one. Actually i saw this last month then i just read the first chap and i dropped it. But im glad i go back to it now and read all the chapters.
Yes it has violence (and im not into that kinks) but for me thats not the core of the story. At first my attention on reading this was focus on the uke , he is sooo pretty (the mole ugh,he looks innocent cuz yeah he is and so angelic) and he's kinda sweet, naive and pure but damn he likes to be hurt physically. So i feel uncomfortable cuz i feel this might turn into something bad or it will give me hard feeling at the end but NO.
For me its a fluffy story >.< The seme being expressionless (was so bothering at first) became soo cool and forgivable (cuz he ,sadly, doesn't recieved affection i think since he was child) but damn he is soft , he is a type of character who will bring you flowers and cares for you (silently). The complexity of their characters really match it other. This is beautifully made, i really like it...