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Bambanana's feed

Bambanana created a topic of I'm Stanning the Prince

Perfect ending for me of course is for the general to die, he's just plain awful. For Rayburn and Angela to live happily and maybe have babies, whether as Duke and Duchess or as commoners in a field somewhere. For Rayburn to be free from Hoya's plan and live his life. I don't know if I want Hoya to obtain the throne since she's a lil sus, I feel like she got rid of the bird, but I do hope she finds peace with herself and her father. Lastly, for Fred to find peace and happiness, we all know he's not getting Angela so he deserves to be really happy at the end. Fred has been through so much, his mom got murdered, he was estranged from his siblings that he loved, his uncle was a complete asshole and his father was ehh. I'm still on the fence with Garnet but nevertheless I hope she's at least content at the end,