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Nishinoya's experience ( All 0 )

Nishinoya's answer ( All 5 )

i had a cat, but he ran away for some reason   reply
30 11,2020
im sorry but i would laugh my ass off   reply
30 11,2020
1.i don't celebrate it 2.i literally don't remember 3. broke 4. i don't wanna leave my bed 5. I wish I could tell you   1 reply
30 11,2020
I don't remember the last anime I watched, but I'm currently trying to finish: 1.Haikyuu 2.School Babysitters 3.Himegoto 4.Japan Sinks 2020 5.Great Pretender 6.Devil Man Cry Baby 7.O Maidens in Your Savage Season 8.Banana Fish 9.Ride Your Wave 10.Happy-Go-Luck Days! 11. 5 Centimeters Per Second 12.A Sister is All You Need 13.Beyond The Boundary 1......   1 reply
30 11,2020

Nishinoya's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do question

GUYSS I NEED HELP! SO this guys hair is pink, her mom is an alien who's very pretty she's an idol in Earth n his son splatters when touches

2 hours
did made a discord server


11 hours
did explain a manga plot badly

Newly eye opened assassin reincarnates and is hounded by a glutinous ball of cotton candy that he frequently steals from

16 hours