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Kooki989 created a topic of No Love Zone Webtoon

The bonus really caught me lacking especially sense my brother was beside me but I mean I ain’t complaining

I mean it’s not what I expected but it’s something ig

Kooki989 followed a goer

i read everything coz y not

26 04,2021
Kooki989 like topic of Blind Play

Does he really have to live tho like I mean so far he’s just wasting oxygen.

No u know what fuck that bitch I was trying really hard to try and understand her but no she just had to be fucking selfish like no boo nobody want your man so calm the fuck down.

Kooki989 created a topic of Blind Play

Does he really have to live tho like I mean so far he’s just wasting oxygen.

It’s ok daiki repeat after me I L-Love Y-You

the grandpa’s kinda hot ヾ(☆▽☆) i don’t mind if he step on me

Kooki989 like topic of Love Percentage

So this is what my sister is reading and keep screaming like a crazy woman

Not the twilight memes lmao. But it’s ok uploader don’t be sad because bad bitches aren’t sad and u are a bad bitch so moral of the story fuck everyone else and focus on your own happiness not someone else’s.

Kooki989 created a topic of Blind Play

I say let him die let him die let him shrivel up and die

Kooki989 followed a goer


09 03,2021
Kooki989 followed a goer
09 03,2021
Kooki989 followed a goer
09 03,2021