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Eijiro Kirishima July 21, 2021 9:09 pm


Eijiro Kirishima July 21, 2021 8:54 pm

Yahwi is that type of person to spend money on Jooin just to keep him by his side cause he doesn't know how to really love or feel yet cause of the old childhood trauma he had. While he was in the process of trying to change but there would always that one person who wanna ruin the relationship and made Yawhi jealous and all because of love on first sight. Of course Yawhi never knew how to handle stuff because to him money fixes everything? But instead of spending money he just really raped my home boy Jooin just incase that Cain wasn't the first person to take his v card away? the process got ruined by jealousy of course because its love on first sight my ass la go eat grass Cain. Also Cain is trying to fix stuff that is NOT really helping Jooin at all and kept causing these little fights with Yahwi <ofc Yahwi also causes trouble too that has gone too far too>
(Also I don't really stan Yahwi or Cain. Cause my boy Jooin need a break from these two or he would start having diagnoses from these troubles Jooin is involving with them. Jooin also needed isolation from these two before he probably get involved thing that would gone too far for him to handle)

    Eijiro Kirishima July 21, 2021 8:59 pm

    Sorry forgot to put the spoilers thing on. And also this is my opinion of what I'm really reading. Please dont attack me cause I don't really have a fluent English))

    xlolalolax July 21, 2021 9:09 pm

    FREEDOM FOR JOOIN our boy is so confused it's just sad, you're right he really needs a break from these two, they don't even tell him anything and it's not helping anyone in this case

    Eijiro Kirishima July 21, 2021 9:51 pm
    FREEDOM FOR JOOIN our boy is so confused it's just sad, you're right he really needs a break from these two, they don't even tell him anything and it's not helping anyone in this case xlolalolax

    Yea Jooin really need a break, Yahwi need a very helpful therapist. And Cain should probably should leave them two alone. Like who the hell would fake to learn Korean and then can speak korean so fluently after like just like 2 or 3 months just to "get close" to Jooin because of fall in love in first sight and like making up scenarios in their dream into reality?

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