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Marie created a topic of Dear Benjamin

Idk why it’s not portrayed the same in the manga but in the novel, when Isaac is in heat and Felix appears, he feels so intoxicated by the alpha's pheromones that he can’t bear it. In his mind, he knows he needs an alpha and says “Help me” to Felix. At one point Felix asks Isaac: “What do you want?” and Isaac answers: “I want you”. Felix proceeds to take Isaacs clothes off while Isaac exclaims: “Right there, there! Please fuck me”.
Then, when they’re having sex Felix also experiments the power of Isaac's pheromones and he can’t seem to stop, he looses control too.

So at best this is dub-con, since none of them could control their actions due to the effect of the pheromones. And come on, this is omegaverse, there’s gonna be obviously some dubious consent.