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Dolly created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Can we not excuse one characters faults and hate another. just seems like everyone is making cirrus out to be worse than he is like yea hes fucked up but how would he know he had a traumatic experience and yes consent is VERY important but i find some people dont realize that kissing someone with out consent is not okay especially cirrus whos fucked. Cirrus also just got a beating and was lashed out at. Skylar also used cirrus’ emotions and insecurities against him and deflected the fact he literally took hundreds of photos with out consent of soemone. Thats also fucked up. They are equally fucked maybe cirrus more so tho. We also dont have full story of cirrus’ backstory like we do of skylar. Also again he could literally just come clean to his friend hes also at fault for going into all this knowingly, like i knwo the friend wouldnt be that mad but he does seem sus. Anywyas i still think cirrus is shitty but can we please not pick and choose what is okay and isnt and excuse toxic behaviour for one character and not the other. But i cant wait to see their character development and where this story is going to go.

Dolly created a topic of Mr.Miss

Yo the last chapter was so bad plz just wait for the uploader quality of quantity. I’d rather understand what I’m reading. I don’t even understand what happened it was all over the place

Dolly created a topic of Semantic Error

Plzzzz the memes also they are so cute dnsjdjd I’m so glad our bb finally realized he’s inlove

Dolly created a topic of Deichuu no Hasu

In a way the older brother groomed him... like he knew about it all and that’s what he was trying to do. Like I don’t think the younger brother would’ve been like that if he didn’t purposely raise him like that.

Dolly followed a list
27 02,2021
Dolly created a topic of White Blood

Please everyone read this on webtoon its free and comes out fast since that’s where it originally is posted

Dolly created a topic of Night Crying Crow

I literally don’t even understand why everyone think ml is annoying like what wrong with our ml. Like unlike most other ml’s he’s very caring and doesn’t beat around the bush and play around with fl. Like what’s he supposed to do? Ignore her play hard to get like??? She’s an agent this is the only way he can get her attention.

Dolly created a topic of Celebgram

Talk show hosts are so mean. They always talk about things that are obviously uncomfortable for the guests :( suji dealt really well with it though still can believe they whipped out that photo of her omgg

Dolly followed question about something that makes you happy

idk everyone's doing them so why not

24 12,2020