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Her current fiance feels like the most whitest knight to have ever represented r/niceguys.
Like, I semi-enjoy this manga simply bc it tickles all my shoujo obsessed nerves,
but if I had to show off the depth and detail of this story and character-writing, pls turn towards the most shallow nearby puddle for visual context. This dynamic where people could possibly remember their past life is what keeps it entertaining for me.

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somnia created a topic of Lips On The Tip Of a Knife

The mother is so weird? Her daughter keeps telling her she doesn't wanna marry and she comes up with some weird ass compromise to still have her marry, but only for 3 months... Like, what?? If she doesn't like it to begin with, either force it or let it go ffs. Before all that she said that she just wanted her daughter to experience love, then still tries to talk her into a marriage even though she read the news of her lover.
And maybe it's just me, but the ML leaves such a sus impression on me. He hides way too much and it feels like he's gonna exploit her for something. Their chemistry is built on this weird lie-but-not-really-a-lie basis and it's icky, imo. Rant over.

somnia is reading

Otome villainess realized she's gonna take the L and has 24 hours to turn things around. She then turns into an absolute madlad with her newly acquired isekai buff to avoid humiliation. If you know and like this kinda niche, you'll like this one too.
The pacing is nice imo. Good for a quick, refreshing read to wake u up.


I can't be the only one who every few chapters would look at the already released ones and start calculating whether we'd get to the main condemnation event by then. I'm needy for more..

Later conversations with especially the main 3 involved make me yawn and skip chapters. You got all this set-up, do something with it ffs. Or just make MC and the og ML gay for each other, I swear. You can put the same barely existent effort into the story but it'll be that much more entertaining.

somnia created a topic of Shadowless Night

We have to treasure shoujo that doesn't get stuck in toxic cliches & stereotypes

I love the art and overall story but there are a few gaps in logic that I get so caught up in.

Why make the genius 200 IQ prince the Tyrant?
Why groom a child for your means anyway, when you've got the know-how and raw power to screw over the Emperor on your own?
Why not communicate all that weird god fragment Deva business with your partner? There is no reason to keep all that bs a secret anyway, so why keep it all in?

somnia created a topic of When the Villainess Loves

Nah man, idk if it's just me but the end is just a bit too rushed.

The whole fight against the OP mage uncle came out of nowhere for me. The whole thing felt so forced??? Maybe it's because I've been only reading bits and pieces as this updated, but the fight felt so needlessly drawn out, and awkward too.


I love everything about this story rn besides Letio's and the crown prince's almost instinctual hatred for each other, I just can't relate idk. Especially Letio's psycho a**, why don't Selena or Celestine confront him when he voices his distaste, but casually explain and talk to him otherwise?

somnia is reading


  • Author: Han mint 한민트
  • Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Fantasy / Historical


FL regressed to her youth, thanks to her daughter's magic. Having been in a kind but loveless marriage, her daughter's wish was to have FL be in a loving relationship this time around.

That's pretty much it, the story's simple. Well, maybe besides FL's moral dilemma of whether or not to marry her previous husband again. Otherwise, it's just about her and ML, future Duke... Schd-something? Schderl?? getting cozy with each other.
Just your average slow romance, with magic spice as a side dish and typical obstacles to fulfilling one's love.
Anywho, shitting on the previous husband for being subpar is a turn-off for me. I get the whole spiel about not letting go of your standards and all, it's a message you can also take away from this, but honestly, it just feels like the author and characters are shitting on small men lmao. It makes FL and her daughter look very vain at times, ngl. There are better ways to portray a loveless marriage.

somnia is reading

I possessed a supporting character in a reverse harem novel. As a young concubine who gained th...

  • Author: 예마로
  • Genres: Fantasy / Historical / Romance / Webtoons

The translations make it very hard to tell who's what gender. The art's not really helping either - Not that any of this is bad tho. To me, this accidental diversity felt refreshing.
Otherwise, this pretty much falls into the same old survive-the-harem trope, in your average Asiatic fantasy palace, with a protag who shall suffer from the lovable child buff for at least double your mom's age amount of chapters.

somnia is reading

One day, my father gave me a boy slave. He said he saved him from the battlefield becauseof his good...

  • Author: Ja eunhyang , 자은향,Joypyonn , 조이뿅
  • Genres: Josei / Fantasy / Romance / Webtoons

Valeta reincarnated into a fantasy novel she read, as a side villain destined for a quick death.
Along with the main villain she grows up in a dysfunctional and abusive environment. That main villain is also the person responsible for the death of herself and her entire household - I do not want to even hint at the idea that her father is anything like family - Anyway, as the title says, she wants to get that dude out of her home to avoid a massacre, fails, but at least she manages to avoid death?

There's so much more to the story than I expected. I was thinking that it'll fall into every isekai villain trope, but it's so much more. While the Villain dude - I'll call him the ML, he is on the cover so by using Shoujo logic ik this is the case lmao - is pretty clingy, any romantic development is taking a backseat to make poor Valeta try and cope. I feel the character is so unique and interesting, and depressing at the same time. First few chapters you think she's fine, just stressed out and trying to send ML back to the streets... but oh no, she's emotionally stunted, traumatized, abused, and the only thing that keeps her going is the knowledge she has of the story, and thank god for her alchemy and elemental abilities... and then you read a bit more, realize these abilities are a double-edged sword, and the imperial family wants to wield that sword by any means necessary. ML is a nut-case from the get-go but on Valeta this awareness about her nuttiness grows slowly.

I feel so frustrated for her. First, she is the prisoner of her father, then the ML (kind of), and then she has to deal with royals with the same damn goal. Normally I'm also very against psycho MLs that have no regard for their crush's feelings, but here this is well-justified imo. They know each others' scars and went through A LOT. So obviously neither of them is okay and capable of expressing normal affection, nor communicating their feelings wholeheartedly.
All in all, great story and character writing. I feel the pacing is a bit meh sometimes, but that's that.

somnia is reading

I was possessed by the devastating BL .Just before the historical event of the two main characters t...

  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Drama / Romance

Our MC reincarnated into the body of a minor side villain who abused the obsessive ML of a BL romance novel. Someone who dies asap when he has the chance to. To avoid that fate she starts defying her evil mother and befriends the two MLs of the novel with the hope that they'll fall in love without having her die.

Objectively it's too early to judge this too harshly, but honestly, it's your average MC yeeted into a bloody captor x captive novel, BL edition.
The pacing is nice, and by itself the story is bearable. But the same lack of detail occurs here as in many other shoujo stories.
I don't think the author even had much time to think about why MC didn't just write that letter to the Duke from the get-go. She already knew where that poison could be obtained and all, but didn't do it until the mom tried to harm her, that's a bad look.
Not to mention, the whole thing about potentially removing the gay from the novel. For now, there's still reasonable doubt to be had, but the title and cover are sus... also, I doubt there's the right tone or grip to handle the "straight route". I could go on about the erasure of gay media or what have you, but once again this story ain't that deep and is just using BL as gay bait for fujoshi. I may change my mind with more chapters, but for now I'll just leave this here.

somnia is reading


  • Author: 햇살수인
  • Genres: Webtoons / Shoujo / Fantasy / Historical

6/ let's wait for more and better uploads for now-

also, the whole thing about beans feels like a silly conflict lmao. I know it's actually about lying and all, but it feels very trivial ngl.

somnia is reading


  • Author: Siya
  • Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Drama / Romance


The art is so amazing. Its style reminds me of the Pale Horse, but a lot shinier and brighter, I'm obsessed.
Love the perspective of Lilyca too. It's a refreshing take within an oversaturated genre. Anyway, it's still too early to say any more than that.

somnia is reading

Sirens... a name derived from an ancient creature, used to describe those who could charm, lure, con...

  • Author: 설이수,Just someone passing by
  • Genres: Fantasy / Webtoons / Romance

MC is the last siren. In her first life she was used and abused by her father and the Emperor, forced to sing and perform miracles while trapped in a cage. She died at peace after recieving salvation by the demonic Duke, he who went on a rampage and freed her.
Time rewinds and MC finds herself in her 10 year old body, before her power was discovered, with memories in tact. This time she's set on avoiding tragedy, and wants to save the Duke from his.

Honestly, I didn't expect to love this so much. MC is adorable and I cried for her so hard. And it's not like she's just a tragic character template either, she has this good bit of straightforwardness and mischief in her too, which is really charming.
Normally I'm not into the whole babying MC thing where everyone spams them with bedazzled hearts, but her situation justifies it well here imo.
I also love the messages in the story. MC focuses on making things better, instead of blindly commiting to revenge and power-hogging. A lot of these time go brr shoujos commit to the ugly feelings (not that it's bad), so I feel this is a refreshing take.
Also: the bit with the Duke's mom. Her straight on telling her to value herself, not forgive abuse, and process her grief for as long as and however she needs to - speaks to the readers as well, a real power move, what a queen.
The world building is interesting too, it's obvious someone put thought into the lore and magic, and I have yet to see a boring character too... well maybe besides the shady ugly uncles, but they don't count.

somnia is reading


  • Author: Mayo momoyo
  • Genres: Shoujo / Comedy / Fantasy / Romance / School Life

I'm here for it. I need a person like Mimi in my life. The humor here is on point, the only thing that's not perfect is how rushed Mimi's and Renato's relationship feels - honestly it's hella fast paced in general, compared to similar settings - but it's part of the charm here imo. Especially if you're a seasoned shoujo reader you'll appreciate it, I think.

somnia is reading

You’re still precious to me. After losing her family in a demon attack, Rosha is reborn as the...

  • Author: Seolon han
  • Genres: Webtoons / Shoujo / Drama / Fantasy / Historical / Romance

I'd like to believe that Rosha isn't gonna stay the way she is now. It's refreshing to have a character that's not totally level headed and nice to serve as a plain self insert. With that said, she better improve over time or I'll throw hands. There is nothing worse than a main character who is simply off the grid to make plot more dramatic.

somnia already read

As a secretary, is there anything more tragic than having a crush on your boss? What's more, th...

  • Author: Zig
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Drama / Romance / Webtoons

Big yikes. The bottom has no standards, no actual personality besides liking his job, and he wiplashes everyone within a 1km radius with his constant attitude changes towards his feelings for the top. BTW if you like the top then please, wake up. I don't think you understand, this alpha guy is basically the anime version of Andrew Tate, which is not a good thing.
He has the guts to have temper tantrums about being abandoned by his *rape victim*. Disgusting.