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Perhaps mc's "instinctual" loyalty was mispresented on accident, especially bc we as readers know little to nothing about the characters at the beginning of the story and putting sparkles and flower-showers on their wholesome scenes gave us a vibe which was meant to be interpreted a whole other way.
Either it's an accident or meant to reel in the girlies (which honestly you're forgiven, the story is nice enough). It gets harder to claim yuri-bait after mc is so clearly portrayed as this loyal subordinate with a secret admiration for their boss type of character... also the fact that both of them got their own love interest/husband tones the yuri smell down. It made click for me when Mc went to help the Empress during her tantrum.

But honestly, let's just call it yuri-bait. The sun will stay a sun for me, even if I know that it's just a more closely situated star

somnia is reading

Became the exclusive maid of the notorious empress. But what about the bad girl? The Empress is noth...

  • Author: 해연
  • Genres: Shoujo / Comedy / Fantasy

MC works as a maid for the palace, and gets promoted to be the Empress' personal maid bc she's super skilled. Said Empress has one hell of a temper and bad rep for an extra challenge.
This didn't go where I thought this was gonna go, but still pretty nice over all.
The yuri bait feels intense, especially in the first few chapters before the story introduces the Emperor and crown prince as respective love interests for each of them. Don't play with me, MC and the prince are so gonna end up together, we saw and we knew asap. A shame but whatever honestly. I'm mainly interested in seeing MC and empress slay together and up their reputation, now that we're in a bit further into the story it's starting to really come through. Gonna watch out for more of this.

Basically: Speedrunner reincarnated into a tragic quest character, a blind princess who dies by execution, so her main tactic for survival is becoming everyone's uwu gamer girlfriend to level up fast.

Honestly tho? Get that bag

I already imagine the whole thing in front of my eyes. The uncle grew up thinking that inheriting Lombarbi would be an easy game, especially bc his brothers didn't seem interested, so he sat on his lazy ass á la Elon Musk and whenever something in his lil nugget sparked up it was ingenious bs, like marrying his family's mortal enemy.

Also, imagine marrying a guy and having 3 kids with him, but you still choose to use him like the gullible ragdoll that he is. Honestly the Angenas are so cartoonishly evil sometimes, but not in a bad way thank god.

Im on chapter 15 rn, and honestly I find it pretty boring? Normally I really like getting into politics and worldbuilding, all that jazz, but idk the drive's just not here. I'm pretty sure its bc I don't find the characters all that interesting. ML and her siscon brother went through some interesting shit, but we're stuck in the sequel so its the complete opposite from a character-driven story. There is no suspense anywhere besides luke-warm "mysteries", not even the romance is all that interesting bc she got herself a trustworthy fiance in a matter of 2-3 chapters.
Someone please tell me if this is worth keeping up with, if anything changes later on.

Waiting, praying that this ball is gonna be a climactic moment where it's also revealed who FL really is. Idc if it comes from ML, or out of necessity bc of demon princess business, or a slip-up. I really don't. Just give it to me already bc FL ain't fooling anybody.

I like FL's personality as a whole, but I don't like how while she's supposed to be hardened by abuse with this nonchalant face-the-challenge attitude she's actually just standing behind the duke while not doing much. By the time her "family" was dealt with I felt kinda disappointed that she came out on top as nothing more than a damsel in mild distress. For indulgence and as a self-insert that's ok ig, but like, it's wasted potential imo.

There is no arc with her. It's giving stone slab, it's giving display doll; you know what I mean? She's showing emotions, but she's so consistent that it's boring with no change in sight. It's especially disappointing bc she showed real spice at the beginning of the story only to let herself be slapped around later.

bro really needs to upgrade his gaydar.. and run away from the duke smh

somnia created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

Looking down on Riftan like a disappointed father who's about to get milk rn

somnia answered question about question
Seeing this pop out of nowhere was terrifying lmao. Maybe just don't make fanfics of people when they ask you not to, doesn't matter if they're a minor or what. You thinking of a kid like that and slut shaming out of nowhere is hella weird too. To the asylum you go.
somnia created a topic of TWO HEIRS

The empress leaves a bitter taste in my mouth but honestly good on her, good on the royal family. The emperor might not be an idiot but he's soft, especially with his bro. So, I think this is just her looking out for her hubby bc even if they got a good relationship, politics are always at play in their positions and it doesn't hurt being wary, even if she ends up being the bad guy. In a way it shows she truly cares for the emperor imo. She got that boss babe energy.

somnia created a topic of The Mortal Instruments

I'm only on chapter 3 and haven't read the novel but you can't def tell a good bit of detail has been cut out. The story still got me hooked tho, I have high hopes.

somnia created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

I really hope Raphael can find actual love in this lifetime. Poor guy pours his heart onto a man who only views him as a replacement, and can't even appreciate his efforts.
At this point I also feel like Cloff's sins far outweigh Aeloc's. Not bc I think murdering innocent pregnant people is okay, but simply bc Cloff's attitude and personality is so self-centered and judgemental imo. It almost gives me kid who bullied his crush through middle-school vibes. Maybe it's bc I hate people like that with a passion, idk. Honestly at this point I just want Aeloc and Raphael to be happy. I appreciate any more spoilers.

I kinda like it for the indulgence... but I'm also so over the whole making-the-psycho-tyrant-likable trope. It's not even one of those misinformation scenarios, he's legit a tyrannical sociopath. The only possible joy you get from this is seeing him slowly start blushing over FL. Actually, even that left me jaded and skipping chapters after the whole man-hunt thing bc I already knew the formula.

And looking at the shit ending, the story would've been better off with smut and the indulgence turned to 100% instead of backing out to squeeze in some last minute karma.
It's that or making the Emperor either more dislikable or complex as a character. Imo.

Mother aside, is it perhaps Lylica that turned back time? Like when she burnt at the stake she did the thing, or somehow her will and magics wanted to make her mom's greatest wish to come true, even in her death, and said wish inevitably was "I want to go back".
Or perhaps it was the Emperor's doing, since his powers seem op af (and I'm kinda convinced that he is an actual dragon). What if the instant chemistry with the mom was due to them both remembering their past lives and already having made some connection before? Something along those lines

somnia created a topic of The Viridescent Crown

Honestly I feel like people would be more ok with the let's call it "spiritual incest" if Yustav and Ran had more chemistry. Their scenes together don't do it for me, and it seems for a lot of readers feel the same way.
How do I put it? They have so much in common, but I feel their vibes just don't fit one another. Ran while she is a confident business-girlie with a good heart she is also shy, and Yustav's cold but gentleman-ly attitude doesn't really mesh with that imo.
It's giving similar-but-different cousin edition, when it should be couple.

Maybe it's that their relationship and vibe will entensify over a larger period of time, or the author's approach will change idk.
I hope so bc I still like the story, keep in mind just bc ppl express negative opinions doesn't mean they hate the whole show.

somnia created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

They're in bed and she's still using words like otaku and bias
I get you're insecure but please, to me she's starting to look a bit delulu, especially bc I barely know stan culture. I die inside a lil bit every time they're having a moment and she pulls out the "simply my bias" card.

somnia already read


  • Author: Nuova,Nnyangmi,Iiaki
  • Genres: Webtoons / Shoujo / Fantasy

Your usual basic shoujo drama plot + coffee talk.
FL is forced to marry a duke from another country, easy task bc she was abused all her life and can't wait to get away. She was a barista in the life before and remembers it, so that's where the coffee knowledge comes from. Basically the same thing as the Duchess' 50 tea recipes, but with coffee.

somnia created a topic of Trash Will Always Be Trash

This is a reupload from another manhwa, istg I saw this before. Give me a min, the title is somewhere in my tiny lil nugget.

Yo imagine the witch is like actually a guy. I do hope we get to see some gay representation, since poor Ignis is basically bi at this point we're theoretically already there, but another fake-out (if you can call it that) wouldn't surprise me honestly.
Finger crossed. Pray for the gay.