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somnia's feed


So they used our boy to expand the redheaded cunt's magic potential/vessel at best, and performed unspeakable experiments on him for whatever sick goal their oh-so honourable mentor had in mind at worst. Fan-fucking-tastic, I hate them.
I also hope that the holy knight guy didn't exactly know what they did to ML. Never having all the details and heavily trusting and relying on the cunt and mentor despite whatever his shiny eyes gave away. Thus when ML is inevitably fed up and fucks up the mentor, he sees it as nothing but betrayal.

Also, I like that FL is changing and morphing into her og self little by little. Sure, boo-hoo poor Giselle or whatever, but what's done is done. Isn't it better for her to live as herself instead of wearing the skin of someone else? I feel like it's respectful towards Giselle's original self by seperating their identities visually, you know what I mean?
Also also, I'm kinda confused why FL wont just tell ML her real name and insists on Giselle when he so clearly knows what's up. Why start and stop trying at the name when you don't bother imitating og Giselle otherwise?