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somnia's feed

SO, my theory rn is that Liz and/or Cliff are behind the boating incident, if not more or all of the incidents. When Liz starting to realize that Edith is "stealing" her connections and/or spotlight she becomes desperate enough to try and get rid of Edith. And Cliff is obsessive enough to support her through it all bc the author made him FOR her, as her perfect lover.
I'm not entirely sure tho if Liz being like this is bc of the creator's control or the lack of it. Maybe this ugly side of Cliff that's so manipulative and possessive is part of his actual being, instead of being a picture perfect prince, too.

Killian had to watch out and catch himself from falling back into the creator's control, basically fighting demons at first, so Liz and Cliff as the center couple must be basically possessed at first, no? Maybe I'm completely wrong, idk.