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Paint_it_blackplease created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

If this gets dropped im gonna be so sad like im tired of reading raws and not understanding anything. Smn who knows what happened in ch 43 please tell me like im so desperate right now

No matter how much i like this manhwa "parents cant donate blood to thair children" is bullshit. Im in med school. There r exceptions of course but anyone that has compapibility (including parents) can donate blood. So stop spreading false info.

Paint_it_blackplease created a topic of Black Lotus

This gives me so much anxiety

Have yall ever noticed how the drawing has improved. I just chacked out old chapters and its so different

All this comments r not helping at all i get even more interested and cant wait to see what the hell happened and whos jealous and why

Paint_it_blackplease created a topic of Pearl Boy

Idc if hes so handsome or rich or whatever hes disgusting

Paint_it_blackplease created a topic of Black Lotus

Nothing has made me this angry for so long

FINALLY BITCH. Ive been waiting too long. To be honest i like jihwa alot but i think we r gonna see his funeral soon

Paint_it_blackplease created a topic of On or Off

Ive never read something this kind of healthy i think. LIKE THERE IS LITERARLY NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS MANHWA. HOW?????

I started to read it just for fun didnt give it much thought. I thought it was just another cute manhwa with pregnant males BUT I FUCKING CRIED 4 TIME. FOUR TIMES.

Paint_it_blackplease created a topic of Sura's Lover

I dont like this killing stalking vibes at all

Paint_it_blackplease created a topic of My Suha

I just "read" raws and i have no idea what ive read but i think im dissapointed? LOL I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THAT WAS AND I FREAKIN OUT