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mckeekmb created a topic of Apocalyptic Super Farm

UMM. chap. 5 and a few havw no words at all.. its really hard to follow..its jumping all what happened to the white dog and how did he get the robot dog?

mckeekmb add 1 photos to Album

this is not new chapter. its a repeat of chapter 108. please fix your mistake

mckeekmb add 1 photos to Album

it turned all grey. please fix

mckeekmb add 1 photos to Album

missing words on this page and downwards

mckeekmb add 1 photos to Album

from this page and down, messy, you cant read any words..please fix it

mckeekmb add 1 photos to Album

theres missing words on this page

Chapter 87 is missing. please fix it

mckeekmb created a topic of You are my desire

your stories are getting shorter and shorter....i hate when these authors get you into it, and then shortly start having the chapters becoming shorter and author are getting really lazy