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BigBanana asked a question

Any Manga (or Light Novel or Novel or Fanfic or just anything)

where the Main Character is a Male and (whether transmigrated or not) is labeled a Villain but e got some kinda Tragic Backstory or some Shiz and/or e has Morals to some extend maybe and we explore that crap- (I use 'e' as a Neutral Pronoun)

Also if possible don't want overly weak MC-

Just anywhere above weakling is good, doesn't have to be, but can be OP, generally tho, just want a Healthy, okay individual.

I just need Angst and bitter sweetness and happiness and to feel Generally like crap while also feeling good at times.

I don't care too much if there is romance, whether is gay or straight or poly or whatever.
Would prefer no romance and just comfort and stuff but Don't care to much.
Thank You-

Doesn't have to have all I stated- I Just Rant- Anyway-
U probably get what I'm trying to express by now-
So I shall sit here in silence... uhm- Yeah...