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Dio created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

Mf has no eyebrows

Dio created a topic of Lying Puppies Get Eaten

Big brother is gonna have a STROKE if he funds out what's happening to his lil bro XD

Dio created a topic of Plin's Love Juice

Correct me if i'm wrong they're not blood-related brothers right? Just brothers as in friends like the way asians do

Dio created a topic of Lying Puppies Get Eaten

Anyone know the artist's socials???

Dio created a topic of In the Private Room

It was okay but the locking up wasn't necessary in the middle pf the story XD

Dio created a topic of Don't Press the Button

GOD I NEED TO INHALE THIS STORY!! Does it have a novel?

Dio created a topic of Feel My Benefit

I just know bestfriend has the dick and the face too if MC just asked like bestfriend can be all that cuddles, embraces, dick and face in one package

Dio created a topic of Spilled Blood

Glad that they match each other's freak!

Dio created a topic of Leave Room For Love

Is there incest going on i here???

Dio created a topic of Lying Puppies Get Eaten

Did the author just call the mc a smooth-brained puppy XD

Dio created a topic of Be, Be

What happened to bros before hoes?

If that was my friend i'd drop him (since the friend the girl aren't even dating)

Hope mc drops his ass

Dio created a topic of Gentle Forest

So are the dialogues/narrations really in past tense in korean raws or is it just the english fan translation?

Bcs i noticed the past tense like mc is narrating past events... and hoping not bcs most of the time narration in past tense are heartbreaking

Dio created a topic of Flip the script

LMAO CALLED IT. Starting to like MC's grandpa he really turned around from being homophobic to accepting his grandson was gay (maybe bcs of benefits but MAN THAT'S SUCH A HUGE STEP)

Also giggled at ML saying MC wouldn't be possessive surely ML is gonna be the possessive one

Dio created a topic of Tamaranai no wa Koi na no ka?

Remember kids go to school and stay in class

Dio created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Scrolling thru the spoilers in the comments and it gets wilder?!?!??!!

Close enough welcome back okumura eiji

Dio created a topic of Unavoidable Circumstances

Uke kinda dumb asf but i'll continue reading hoping he gets some backbone or smth

Anyone knows the artist's twitter or any socials? Really love the art in this ons