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bi-lateral_general's feed

Spoilers for the next set of chapters

This is just me venting into the void

but ughhhh the way this is going is so frustrating. At this point of the flashbacks I just wanted to return to the present. But seriously we’re getting an amnesia arc after an entire flashback season?

Amnesia plots are way more common than they should be and given how this story started with both characters not remembering their past lives, I feel like it doesn’t add anything to the plot besides chapters. I guess we get to see Hyo-Un act desperate in present time but let’s be real, he’s been desperate and sad for majority of the comic at this point. The draw for this comic was how confident and straightforward Taehyuk was so it’s sad to get set back to zero with him.

I hope I’m wrong and this arc doesn’t last too long.

This is now on hiatus until June as well. I think I’ll just have to wait until the entire story is finished before I come back to read it.