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minn created a topic of My Cute Beast!

how low can he be
im just curious

minn created a topic of Revenge Is Ours

so much that it fucking hurts

minn created a topic of I Became the Hero's Mom

imagine having a husband just like hades

this was wAAAYYY better than i expected

minn created a topic of Charlotte Has Five Disciples

he is the best cmon i dont want evan at all

i also wanna read spoilers but i coulndt find it

minn created a topic of I Became the Hero's Mom

i think she is some kind of saintless thats why she takes the medicine to supress her powers bc her body isnt strong

minn created a topic of For Better or For Worse

untill he comes back home they are going to be best friends

minn created a topic of Limited Time Princess

seriously tho im getting bored

minn created a topic of Remarried Empress

and about that trash i wanna scoop her to the cliff of the earth

minn created a topic of Charlotte Has Five Disciples

whos gonna be ml i really want jeffrey to be ml

i would have written something more lewd and more only based on herione kinda thing but she good and people complaining about how it doesnt make sense like hunnyy it shoulnd make sense thats the whole point

minn created a topic of I Became the Hero's Mom

sohe knows about she loves the child more but whats gonna happen what will she say