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Of course he used to be trash, just look at the spider tattoo lmaooo.

Maiyah created a topic of Hold Me Tight

I can be your coffee new mysterious man

Maiyah created a topic of Caste Heaven

Character development and redemption have left the chat. Also, whoever uploaded this without permission... just fucking take it down... Don't ruin the experience for others.

Maiyah created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

That's all I have to say

It's been sitting in my want to read since chap 1 and now that I'm finally reading it I'm obsessed.

Maiyah created a topic of Traces of Memory

This story just feels like it's gonna have a lot of twists and turns. I love it!

Yeah bitch, let me see you scam your way outta this situation.

Maiyah answered question about favorite movie
The guy and the rest of the server... wth is wrong with those people?!
Maiyah created a topic of Silent War Webtoon

Not me coming back thinking the mc would've became a better person and that the plot wouldn't be just sex anymore.... hahahaimsodumbhahahaha

Maiyah asked a question

Okay idek how to really describe it, so just bare with me. It's a manhwa about this guy who's really good at predicting wins for some game (soccer I think) and he made good money from the bets. One day the red headed antagonist loses a bunch of money because the mc gets it wrong and like beats him nearly to death. Time skip and the mc bulks up and basically turns into red head 2.0 ... does anybody know what the name of this is? There's a bunch of smut in it, but I just gotta know if this is still on going or has it ended yet.

Maiyah answered question about test your personality type
President garbage, can't keep their covid cases down, gun laws trash asf, racist asf, selfish asf Americans. Chile i could be here all day.
Maiyah created a topic of THE VIRGIN WITCH

She has like no boundaries lmfao

Maiyah created a topic of Dear Signal

Has gorgeous wow...

Maiyah created a topic of Dangerous Convenience Store

Quality yaoi hands... we love to see it.

Kenta like "I don't recall" hahaha.

But man Daiki is getting whipped for Minjun and it's so cute to see.

Maiyah created a topic of Form of Sympathy

Him eating the candy was so cute . I'm happy we're getting progress

Maiyah created a topic of Love Is An Illusion

Lmfao, they can never be normal