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Niko_Neko's feed

Niko_Neko created a topic of ANTI P.T.

Coming in here as an adult, i.e I’m 18+ and done the dastardly deed.

Y’all are getting hooked up on what I think is a possible mistranslation. The new blond a-hole has taken the fact that Param is drunk to his advantage. It’s not silent consent, it’s that he believes he can’t say no because he’s drunk.

Silent consent would be nodding your head for yes which at time is the only thing (if it’s mind blowingly amazing or due to certain kinks) all you can do.

Yes it’s important to consent and ask for consent as a precaution for both of you but personally if I was having the time of my life I’d start getting damn annoyed of my partner kept stopping every 5 minutes to ask if it was ok to keep going! But that’s me, if you wanna break yours and your partners fwop fwop then go for it!