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ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Instant Family

The sex scenes are so hot and none of that no don't that bs when the seme pounding away like consent and respecting boundaries here is chefs kiss

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Jinx

Admit it we all simp for hot ass jaekyung or we wouldn't be here so cut Dan some slack he actually lives with him how can that boi resist

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Raising Beta

This story is so bad that it's good glad that these authors throwing out their taboo fantasies with no mercy hahaha

This was so sweet I didn't mind no smut

I love this because of how taboo it is like it's already taboo reading yaoi for me so this is like reading extra spicy taboo huehuehue

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of King's Maker

Some people should have their right to draw taken away

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Shuffle

This is drama on steroids like give my man eunchae a break dude has been thrown in the washing machine and dryer too many times

ur_anus_ enchanted created a topic of Jinx

NOOOO doesn't Dan have to service Jaekyung before the match this is the shittiest I swear I just hope it got him horny and not sick cause that'd be worse for him smh