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CuteRat July 23, 2021 7:57 pm

How is a 9 year old looking like a 3 year old

    Popo July 23, 2021 8:06 pm

    I've concluded that Bl artists and authors have never been around children period. They'll create a kid who is the size of an infant but talks like they're in grade school and try to tell us this kid is 3 years old. I've just come to accept it as part of the genre, like yaoi hands ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    CuteRat July 23, 2021 8:16 pm
    I've concluded that Bl artists and authors have never been around children period. They'll create a kid who is the size of an infant but talks like they're in grade school and try to tell us this kid is 3 years... Popo

    NAWT THE HANDS, but seriously I can’t believe that the author made a 9 y/o look like a literal baby

    randomfangirl July 23, 2021 8:20 pm

    it could be because he's an omega? you know, in a lot of omegaverse stories it is mentioned that omegas are usually smaller than their peers as kids.

    CuteRat July 23, 2021 8:40 pm
    it could be because he's an omega? you know, in a lot of omegaverse stories it is mentioned that omegas are usually smaller than their peers as kids. randomfangirl

    Maybe , I just find it very funny lmaooo

    ARGHHH July 23, 2021 8:41 pm

    Maybe he's smaller compared to his age

CuteRat July 14, 2021 11:00 pm

ATP they are dragging this story for too long… nothing ever happens that’s actually relevant and it’s very repetitive

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