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A gay dog stripper's feed

A gay dog stripper created a topic of Deep

I got so frustrated when instead of communicating, they just had seggs (ch45) LIKE PLEASE SOLVE THE PROBLEM FIRST BEFORE DOING THAT Y'ALL R STRESSING TF OUTTA ME. The seme is an ass at some point so is the uke like wtf if u don't understand something or u have no idea and is curious to know what tf it is, THE COMMUNICATION IS THERE ALRIGHT??? WHY DID U HAVE TO INVOLVED ANOTHER PERSON TO OUR ALREADY STRESSING SITUATIONS?? u too seme why did u assaulted him u fcker, u shouldn't do thattt! That was so unnecessary. Omg I was so stressed in Season 2 lmfaoo. Good thing tho we all got out of that and they had their HE.