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The things i have seen's experience ( All 0 )

The things i have seen's answer ( All 11 )

Partners in crime~   reply
04 07,2021
AGE: 23 HAIR: Black and long & parted in center BUILD: Muscular SKIN: White PERSONALITY: Loud SIN LEVEL: 6.2 HEIGHT: 6'0" PREFERRED CLOTHING STYLE: Gangster EXTRA: Few piercings   reply
26 06,2021
i have no words how to express what i am feeling....   reply
20 06,2021
my bestie and me (left is my bff and the right one is me)   reply
20 06,2021

The things i have seen's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

Pretty when you're looking up like that
Pray but Heaven won't let you back
Good on your knees

58 minutes
did stuck my cock in a blender


1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

what could he do? should have been a rockstar; but he didn't have the money for a guitar

7 hours